Spanish dwarf

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*Britney Spears voice* it's been a while... 

Since I posted about a dream so here you go

So there were these Amazon goods on a flying cardboard box, and Phillis from The Office was steering it through sheer willpower.

We flew through the Harry Potter landscape, and I showed my little cousin the Deutsche Bahn (instead of Hogwarts Express).

We flew towards a floating library and almost crashed several times. Then I got the steering part. (Jesus take the wheeel) 

The start was a bit bumpy and we almost crashed onto the forest floor, but then I was able to fly us (even if it was a bit shaky) to one of the floating shelves.

There were lots of J.R.R Tolkien books that I would have loved to read, but they started screaming at me. 😔

Then we just flew around, to a forest that looked like the Pandora-Avatar-glowy forest. The second we landed, we were suddenly traveling with the Pevensie children.

Our box crashed.

I suddenly found the telescopic lens from Family Switch.

"It can still be useful to us!" *Puts it in shoe*

A dwarf from Lotr offered to help us, but we didn't understand his dwarfish sign language.

As a requirement for his help, he wanted two (2) plates from us.

We happened to have three dirty plates with us. One suddenly turned into a plate duck and flew off into the sunset.

A guy with a white pickup truck offered us to give us start-up aid for our box, but of course it didn't work.

Then I found out that the dwarf could speak Spanish. We gave him the plates and he asked for my zodiac sign.

Suddenly the whole Loud family was there and we went home to our tree house.

But somehow we ended up in the mines of Moria, where we found out that, with this deal, we had sold our souls to the dwarves.

So we fought against them! ᕦ⁠(⁠ò⁠_⁠ó⁠ˇ⁠)⁠ᕤ (We fled)

Suddenly we were stuck in a yoga studio. This girl from the other class I've met during the French exchange was there and she was completely ripped from her vacation in France. Then we fought against her and her crew too. 

I was actually surprisingly good at fighting. 

Edmund started breakdancing. 

We managed to escape on a roller coaster. There were these small robots/hybrid thinggies who looked almost like scorpions, and their toxic spines could be stacked together like these sharpie swords.

Then I threw these poisonous darts at the girls who followed us. And somehow I always managed to hit my target. 

Some nasty chick did something on my neck that poisoned me.

Then, with the other girls from my team, we stopped the evil ones with Rapunzel's hair and thorns.

A black queen of evil found us and explained to me that only a kiss of true love can save me.

I was totally pissed 

"I don't even have a stable friendship, how should someone love me?! Now I am also forced into prostitution to save my life?!"

Lots of trauma processing with this one- 

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