30 | Help Me

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"We miss you on your side of the bed. Still got your things here and they stare at me like souvenirs."

~ Giveon , Heartbreak Anniversary

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The following morning, Sophie was up bright and early, a tray with Cillian's breakfast in her hands. She brought some meat, but with it, she brought pancakes in hopes it would trigger some good memories.

She immediately felt his heated stare on her the second she opened the door as she padded into the room. "Good morning." She greeted, softly, closing the door behind her. "I have your breakfast."

Keeping in mind he was able to reach out somewhat, she carefully placed the tray on his lap and quickly backed away, out of his reach.

His nose wrinkled. At the pancakes, she assumed.


"Human food." He grumbled, distastefully.

"Yes," she sighed, taking a seat on the chair next to his bedside. "But you like them."

His haunting eyes snapped up to glare at her. "How would you know what I like when I made you believe the lie that I loved you?"

The comment was like a knife to the heart, but she didn't let it show on the outside. She paused for a moment and decided on the words, "I know a lot of what you like."

"How do you know I wasn't lying?" He challenged her again, the food remained untouched on his lap.

"Well," she sighed, anxiously twisting her wedding ring around her finger- a nervous habit. "I suppose it's because you never told me these things. I just... I just observed them."

He eyed her, cautiously. She took that as a silent way of him telling her to explain herself.

In a small voice, she further explained, "You never told me your favorite color, but from what I've seen, it's green... you wear it a lot- this dark earthy green color." She whispered, briefly glancing at him before looking away. It hurt to much to look at him knowing that wasn't the Cillian she knew anymore. "You like waking up early, but I don't, so you're kind enough to lay in bed with me until I'm ready to wake up. You like baths. You liked my family, despite them being humans. You like chocolate. You like when I trace patterns on your chest with my fingertips before we go to sleep at night. You say you struggle to sleep if I don't do it."

He remained quiet, seemingly just listening to her ramble. Truth is, he hadn't been sleeping well. He felt like something was missing. Could that be it? Did the bags under his eyes give that away to her?

At his silence, she continued. "I know a lot more about you than you know. You're kind- more than kind. You're the kind of person who would give the shirt off his back for a stranger. You-" she cleared her throat, hoping to keep her voice from cracking. "You loved me like no one else ever has... you made me feel so loved and safe." Finally, her eyes met his. "Even if you think it wasn't real, it was real to me."

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