29 | Broken Bond

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"I had all and then most of you, some, and now none of you. Take me back to the night we met."

~ Lord Huron, The Night We Met

Author's note!
If you are enjoying this book, please let me know! I haven't had a whole lot of comments recently so I don't know if y'all are losing interest 😅 I'd love to know what you think or your favorite part about the book so far!

Sophie groaned as she woke up, but stopped short at the pain it gave her. All at once, the memories came flooding back to her, making her eyes snap open. She came face to face with a pair of familiar golden eyes, startling her.

Not moving from where he was leaning over her, Sully briefly glanced up from his tablet and asked in a bored tone of voice, "Is now a bad time to say I told you so?"

She shoved him away as she sat up and tenderly grabbed her sore neck. "You didn't say he'd try to kill me." She rasped in retaliation.

"You didn't let me." He grumbled, tapping something on the glass screen. "And I also didn't know he would. He didn't act like that at all when I saw him. When we first brought him in, he sort of just cowered in a corner. We weren't expecting that. It's like seeing you triggered that reaction in a sense."

She nearly flinched at the idea of that. "How would I..." she trailed off with furrowed brows. She sucked in a breath and asked, "What did they do to him?"

He released an exasperated sigh and pulled up the results on a tablet. "We took some blood tests while he was unconscious and found a foreign substance in his blood stream. It was hard to find much detail about the substance, but it's a... mind altering drug of sorts. They injected him and manipulated some of his memories from something good to something bad. It's a form of fear conditioning. They have programmed his mind to see you as a threat."

"Why would Hoppers want that?" She scoffed. "He's the one that forced us to be together initially. That doesn't sound like him."

"It might not be." He interjected. "We have reason to believe he's dead."

"How..." she trailed off, something far heavier than that dawning on her. Her heart dropped to her feet and tears filled her eyes. "But... but what about the bond?"

"That's what's so unique about it. I've never seen something strong enough to break a bond, but maybe, and it's a strong maybe, it just needs some time."

"So you're saying you don't know how to reverse it?"

He hesitated before shaking his head. "Not yet, no... we have our best people on it."

"Who?" She wondered.

"You're looking at him." He stated, not bothering to look up from his tablet.

While his walls were high, covered in barbed wire, guarded with swords, knives, and all things sharp- Sophie believed Sully was a good man. A scary persona to protect his tender heart.

He wasn't bragging. I mean, he never spoke about his job here or his intelligence, but clearly, he was incredibly smart- secretly so. She never pegged him to be, seeing up until recently she saw him as all brawn no brains. Now, she figured he was all brawn and brains.

"Thank you." She whispered, catching him off guard.

He nodded, brushing off the compliment, uncomfortable with any praise. "Just doing my job."

With a new sense of urgency, Sophie got to her feet. "He's still in there. I know he is. He could have killed me then, but he didn't."

Sully snickered. "I would say he got close enough."

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