| Epilogue |

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This is it everyone :,) I can't believe it! Please don't forget to comment, follow, and vote! And please read the author's note at the end!


Months had passed, and things have gone rather nicely for everyone. Angie finally had the chance to grieve her husband and process everything that has happened. Thankfully she has her two incredible sons to grieve with so she never felt alone.

Sophie's parents remained safe, completely oblivious to Sophie and Cillian's double life- and they wished to keep it that way as long as they can. Her parents were happy that they were happy and promised to visit soon. That meant the entire pack would have to act human for that time, but surely they could figure something out.

Unfortunately for Carlos, he has to spend a bit of time behind bars for his crimes, but he gets visitors often. He knows now what he did was wrong and will surely get released early for good behavior. Well... as "good" as Carlos can be.

Sully and Darcy are together and very happy together. It's nice seeing the big ol' stoic Sully melt at the sight of his human. It's also hilarious how he allows her to boss him around. She had him wrapped completely around her finger- and she knew it too.

As for Cillian and Sophie... well...

"Oh my gosh." Sophie gasped, her hand shakily covering her own mouth.

The pregnancy test clattered to the tiles on the bathroom floor, landing next to the other two she took just minutes ago. All three said the same thing: positive.

Her hands fisted her hair, tugging at the roots. Her chest rose and fell as quick, sharp breaths escaped her. She had always wanted kids, and Cillian said he wanted some too. However, they never officially talked about when they wanted some. The last time they had spoken about kids was when they were at her parents' house and they were only pretend dating.

Cillian was doing much, much better than he was a few months ago, but he still had some difficult days dealing with the trauma and guilt. Would he feel ready and prepared enough to take on the challenge of fatherhood?

She hastily picked up all the tests, rushed to the bedroom, and called out, "Cillian!?"

In mere seconds he was there, eager to help in anyway he could.

Before he could even get a word out, Sophie blurted, "I'm pregnant!"

"You-You're what?" He exasperated.

That was the first time she had ever heard him stutter, and it worried her it was because he was upset with her.

Her stomach was in knots at this point. Completely ashamed as if it were her fault, her posture deflated and she hid her face in her hands as she turned her body away from him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

The words died in her mouth as big, delicate hands rested on her shoulders. Carefully, he spun her around so she would face him, but even then she didn't meet his gaze.

With a thick digit hooked under her chin, he tilted her head up. Her eyes remained closed, but she felt as he rounded his shoulders in and ducked his head to pepper her face with kisses, moving across her forehead, cheeks, and jaw before he began to gently guide her backwards. She didn't know where he was backing her to, nor did she protest.

She gasped at the feeling of their bed bump against her legs and nearly let out a squeal when he carefully lifted her on it, landing flat on her back, her legs dangling off the edge. She rose to her elbows, but didn't sit up completely due to her husband crawling on top of her, his large form looming over her. His knees were on the ground, his forearms rested on the mattress on either side of her hips, and his torso was between her legs.

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