Ch. 21: Family is a Funny Thing

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A few days later, Charlie was putting the painting on the wall in the hotel lobby. Emily was on the right, Charlie was on the left, Lucifer was behind them, if you could move the people in a painting you'd see that he was standing on a chair behind them.

"Perfect!" Charlie said.

Everyone else in the hotel was behind her, gazing up at the family portrait with varying expressions. But they all agreed it was a very lovely portrait.

Emily put an arm around Charlie's shoulder, smiling a bit.

"You know, I feel more welcome in this place in just my first month than I did in all my life in Heaven." Emily said.

"Yeah. It's ironic isn't it?" Charlie asked with a grin. "Most angels would think falling into hell would be the end of their eternal but instead, it was a brand new start for your life here."

"As mushy as that sounds, it's a nice sentiment." Husk said with a tiny smile.

"Yeah." Angel said with a nod.

"I wonder how the mush feels exactly." Niffty said randomly.

Alastor just pats her head a bit.

"Hey, Charlie, is it true that dad can shapeshift?" Emily asked suddenly, drawing all eyes to her.

"Shapeshift? Why the sudden ask?" Charlie asked her.

"I'm just curious if only he can do it or could we do it as well?" Emily asked.

"Well, I have always heard the stories about it." Charlie said, "Most notably the snake in Eden. I think most angels are capable of it, and being his daughter, I should be able to at least change my form a bit... let's go call him and talk about it."

Charlie moved back a bit and pulled out her phone, quickly dialing her dad's phone number.

As that happened, Emily took a seat at the bar, where Husk served her a glass of water with a lemon. Just because she swore didn't mean she was going to start drinking or doing drugs. She's still precious.

"Thank you, Husk." Emily said.

"It's fine, kid. Just glad someone else doesn't need to get drunk here." Husk said with a grin.

"Give it a few years." Angel said, sitting next to Emily. "We'll make this Cinnamon Roll into a Sin-namon roll eventually."

"While I like the play on words, I'm not going to give into sin that easily. My appetite and cursing aside, I am still as holy as any angel." Emily said.

"Are you comparing yourself to Vaggie? Cuz, sister, that angel ain't holy no more." Angel Dust said.

Angel motioned to Vaggie, who was smoking in the corner of the bar.

"What? Nothing wrong with a cigarette every now and then. Besides, lung cancer and other diseases don't exist for angels." Vaggie said before taking a drag from her cigarette and blowing up. "Not to mention that I need it to deal with some of the shit I deal with on a daily basis."

Vaggie took a long drag on her cigarette, eyeing Angel while doing so. She even blew it in his direction to mock him.

"Geez, we've made progress and you still give me the stink eye." Angel said, rolling his eyes.

"I know, you're still annoying though." Vaggie said with a grin.

"Ahahahahahaa. Fuck you too, ya taco licking bitch." Angel said with a growl.

"You know, if you weren't with Charlie, I'd say you and Angel were dating, Vaggie." Emily said innocently.

The cigarette was dropped to the floor.

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