Ch. 4: Silent Suffering

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Emily doesn't know when she fell asleep, but when she opened her eyes, she found herself in heaven.

"W-w-was it all just some... horrible dream?" Emily said, being hopeful, "Maybe this-"


"AAAAHHHHHH!" Emily screamed in pure pain as one of her wings was crushed by a heavy stone.

"Oh, what's the matter little Emily?" Adam asked, "Surely you can take more than that."

Lute lifted the stone and slammed it on another wing.

"AAAAAAAAH!" Emily screamed as her other wing was crushed by the stone.

"There but useless wings are pointless now. So they'll need to be removed, sir." Lute said, grabbing the sword at her side.

"No, Lute. Let me." Adam said, holding his hand out.

"No." Sera said, walking up, "There will be no need to remove them. Let them become a reminder of what she's done."

"Sera... please... help." Emily said, tears forming in her eyes.

Sera closed her eyes, it was clear that she didn't want this... but rules are rules.

"An angel without wings cannot fly." Sera said, grabbing Emily's halo, "A fallen Angel with wings, can fly, but never home... her wings will be a permanent reminder of her falling."

Lute slammed the stone on her third wing, slowly going until all 6 are broken. Emily was withering in pain, barely able to speak.

"Sera... please." Emily whispered.

"I'm sorry." Sera said, keeping her eyes closed, before breaking the halo.

Emily suddenly felt the sensation of falling, screaming loudly as Heaven got smaller and smaller. The ground of hell getting closer and closer, and when she hit the ground...

... Emily woke up with a gasp, breathing heavily and sweating. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom, looking in the mirror for the first time since she's been kicked out of heaven. She looked at her red eyes, wanting to look away, but unable to. More tears began to form as her legs gave out. She laid on the bathroom floor and just started crying. That wasn't just a nightmare... that was almost word for word of her final moments in Heaven... though it didn't show everything that happened in her final hour. She put a hand on her chest, right where her eye was... before it was ripped out.

And just one touch to it, was like being impaled by a thousand blades.

"RAAAAAAAAH!" Emily screamed in pain, waking up EVERYONE in the hotel!

"Emily!" Vaggie and Charlie said, rushing out of bed and out of their rooms!

They rushed into Emily's room and saw her on the floor. That's when they noticed something... her dress had bits of gold on it. Vaggie wasted no time in taking the dress off... revealing a massive hole in Emily's chest. Vaggie realized what happened... it's the reason she doesn't like people touching her back... the fresher the injury, the more pain you feel when it's touched. When Vaggie and Charlie were just friends, whenever Charlie touched her back or her missing eye, Vaggie would be in indescribable pain. Thankfully, it does go away with time. Vaggie looked at Charlie, even without talking, they knew what had to happen. Charlie ran to go get help, while Vaggie tried to sooth Emily.

"Emily, listen to my voice, it's okay, the pain will leave." Vaggie said.

Judging by the look of the hole in her chest, it was safe to say that this happened just a few hours ago.

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