The Vandersons (Edited 3/1/24)

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The next morning, Judith found herself reluctantly driving towards the imposing Wellester mansion. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from anger at being forced to explain her actions to frustration with the original's father's lack of understanding. As she approached the grand entrance, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for the impending confrontation.

The Vandersons were already waiting in the lavish living room along with Judith's own "family" consisting of her parents, Damian, and Verona. The Wellesters and Vandersons sat across from each other. Gabriel, sitting beside his parents, looked uncomfortable as he avoided eye contact with Judith. The tension in the room was palpable.

"Judith," Her father greeted her sternly. "You are here at last. Please, have a seat."

Judith took a seat on the single counch between the two families, her posture radiating defiance. The room seemed to close in on her, but she refused to let it break her resolve.

Gabriel's parents are named Erik and Irina Vanderson. His father looks like an older version of Gabriel with the same copper hair, except his eyes are gray. His mother has the same blue eyes as Gabriel, and shoulder-length wavy blonde hair.

Mr. Vanderson spoke next, his tone cold, "We were shocked to hear about the termination of the engagement. Our families have worked hard to establish this union for the benefit of both parties. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Worked hard my a*s! All you have to do is say a few words than 'Bam!' an engagement happens!

Judith looked directly at Gabriel before responding, "I won't pretend that everything is fine. Gabriel and I have realized that our personalities clash. However, there are certain things I won't tolerate, such as physical violence."

She recounted the incident from the school where Gabriel accuses her of harming Verona, making her sister fidget nervously. She emphasized that Gabriel had initiated the aggression by slapping her on the face. The room fell silent as the Vandersons absorbed the revelation. On the Wellesters side, Judith's mother Elana and her brother Damian have a shocked expression.

Gabriel's face turned several shades of red as Judith explained the situation, a mix of embarrassment and anger.

Mrs. Vanderson broke the silence, her voice stern, "Violence is unacceptable in any relationship. Gabriel, is this true?"

Caught off guard, Gabriel stammered, "Well, she provoked me! I didn't expect her to fight back."

Judith interjected, "Regardless, violence should never be justified. I won't compromise my well-being for the sake of an engagement. If our families value their connections, they should consider the consequences of aligning with someone who resorts to physical harm."

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence. The Vandersons exchanged glances, weighing the information presented to them.

Mr. Vanderson finally spoke, "We need time to discuss this matter privately. Please excuse us for a moment."

Judith nodded, watching as the Vandersons exited the room. The atmosphere in the room was tense, and Judith could feel the scrutiny from her own family. Her father, Arthur, spoke up, his voice low but intense, "Judith, you've really put us in a difficult position."

Judith's mother, Elana, sighed and chimed in, "Sweetheart, we understand that Gabriel's actions were inexcusable, but you need to consider the consequences of breaking off this engagement."

Damian, her older brother, scoffed, "I'd say good riddance that this engagement is being called off! She is way out of his league, so she is not suitable to be by Gabriel's side!"

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