The Fifth Male Lead (Edited 1/18/24)

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Judith doesn't know where she is headed, she is just walking blindly to a random direction.

"That d*amn male lead! What a self-righteous bastard! Ugh! I already can no longer deal with him and it hadn't even been a day!" She complained to herself.

Yeah, Judith had planned to act like the villainess for the next 2 years of college...

Now the plan is completely wasted.

All in less than a day. Not even half a day.

Also, on the first day of her junior year of college.

But hey, she was slapped by the scumbag! Does anyone think she is going to let it go?!

Big f*cking NO!

Nobody hits her and gets away with it!

"Now I can't eat my lunch in the cafeteria because of everyone who had watched our drama! It seems from now on, peace will never come back to me!"

She can foresee it. Her time left in this school will no longer be peaceful for the next 2 years.

The drama is definitely not over.

Gabriel and his entourage will come at her. The Wellesters and Vandersons too.

Hell, maybe even the entire student population will come at her.

Judith will have to face them alone head on.

She have 3 words for them: Bring it on!

She will not be a pushover anymore!

After thinking that, she reverted her focus to a different topic.

Like finding a good place to eat her tub of spaghetti carbonara before it gets cold.

"God I'm so hungry! I need to find a place to sit down an eat!" Just as she said that, she walked passed a door where the sound of boisterous voices can be heard.

She can hear multiple yells of male sounding voices through the door.

"Take that you jerk! And this! And that!"

"Imma destroy you with a hadouken!"

"Not if I shoryuken you first!"

Curious, Judith looked through the narrow rectangular window on the door.

She saw 4 guys that seems to be playing a video game on a wall mounted tv. It looks to be a fighting game.

"Oh this looks interesting, I kind of want to play with them...should I go in there and ask?" Judith wondered.

Back in her old life, along with coding she also likes video games too.

But she rarely enjoys it because of her software engineering job.

Now seeing those guys play, her interest is piqued.

"Hmm, well why not?"

Deciding to go in the room, Judith knocked on the door.

"Hey guys I heard knocking. Can someone go get the door? I am currently occupied." Said one of the guys rapidly pressing on the buttons of the controller.

"Me too. Either Liam or Zayden has to get the door." Said the other guy holding a controller. His tongue is sticking out with a look of concentration.

"But I'm too lazy to get up from this chair. Zayden, you go." The guy named Liam told Zayden while slouching lazily on his chair.

Zayden, a tall lean male with dark brown hair, olive skin, and hazel eyes gave a sigh and got up from his seat.

"Liam, you need to start moving your a*s more often. Those pounds of Hostess snack cakes you devoured won't go away until you do." He commented jokingly and started to walk towards the door.

"F*ck you Zayden!" Liam yelled out at him without looking away from the game on the tv screen.

Oh, someone is coming to open the door. Judith thought, looking through the glass window.

Wait a minute...he kind of looks familiar. From my memory, the original have seen him in passing.

What is his name again?

Once he came close enough to the door, Zayden can see who it was standing behind it through the glass window.

He gave a look that's a mixture of a grimace and confusion.

What the f*ck is Judith Wellester doing here?! He thought.

He paused at the door, uncertain if he is willing to open the door to let a girl like her in.

I'll just find out what she wants.

With that decided, he opens the door for her.

"Hello. Can I help you?" He greeted her tonelessly with his deep voice.

"Um hi!" Judith greeted back awkwardly. "I was just passing by and I saw you guys having fun through the glass panel of the door. Is it okay if I join you?"

"Who is it Zayden?!" One of the guys playing the game shouted out over his shoulder.


I remember now! This guy is the fifth male lead! Exclaimed Judith in her head, suddenly recalling the name of the guy before her.

This guy's name is Zayden Maddox, the fifth and last male lead!

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