Computer (Edited 1/18/24)

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"God damn it! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!" Judith swore to herself once she returned back to her room.

"Why the f*ck did I not stay in character! I messed up twice in one day in a span of 30 minutes! Now those people will be suspicious of me! I really need to control my anger!" She began to pace anxiously.

"I need to stay calm. Something needs to distract me from my worries. I know! I will go to my computer and see if there is anything interesting about this world!" Shes declares excitedly.

Judith looks around and saw a laptop on her study table. She walks toward it and pulls the chair for her to sit down. She opens the laptop and turns it on.

The screen lights up and indicated that Judith needed to put her password.

"Password...what is the password..." She mumbles to herself and tries to use the original's memories to remember it.

After a moment, she remembers that the password is the original's birthday and type it in.

Once she's in, Judith cracked her fingers.

"Okay, time for me to do some research. Now what is the main search engine?"

She saw many icons on the screen. One in particular stood out:

' Moogle '

"Moogle huh? I guess it is this world's version of Google. It even have the same pattern of color schemes. I bet it has the same purpose as Google." Judith then clicked on the icon.

She was right.

For the next couple hours left until her bedtime, Judith scrolled through the different websites on her laptop. So far, she mostly read news articles.

And many of the articles are focused on Gabriel Vanderson. Which made Judith roll her eyes.

Yes he is the heir of the richest family in the world! And he is handsome to boot! Blah! Blah! Blah! Too bad he has a fiancee and women all around the world are sad and crying their eyes out!

It seems that this world's people are more shallow than the ones on Earth. Or maybe Earth is no better.

People need to go get a life instead of focusing on one man.

Judith also found that the planet of this world is called Eartha, obviously similar to Earth.

Besides having a version of Google in this world, there is also versions of Bing, Yahoo, Myspace, and Facebook. Those versions are called Ping, Yoohoo, Urspace, and Biobook.

The funny thing is...Judith couldn't find a version of Youtube.

"How could there be no version of Youtube?!" Judith tried to find websites like Youtube. Of course, there are other video sharing websites, but the videos produced are low quality and limited to a few minutes long.

"That's a bummer. How can this world have other versions of popular social media websites from Earth but not Youtube?! Ugh, maybe I should just make one...." Judith trailed off, suddenly having an idea and jolted to sit up straight on her seat.

Back on Earth, Judith worked as a software engineer. She knew a lot about computers even before she entered college. As a kid, she had hobbies like coding and hacking.

"Can I even do it? Should I even do it?" She wonders to herself.

If she create this world's own YouTube, there is a high chance she can make a lot of money and wouldn't need to depend on the Wellesters or Vandersons. She can just leave them once she becomes financially secured.

Her family is already rich but Judith could become her own millionaire. Or even a billionaire if the website became highly popular.

"I am going to do it," Judith decided, "I am going to create this world's own Youtube."

"And I will name it Metube."

But the problem is, can she do it alone?

Billionaire Villainess (Unedited)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora