Through the memories she holds close.

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"This town is full of shops" Fern pointed out

"And bars" Y/n grinned before getting a menacing look of disapproval from Fern.

"I-I mean boo bad bars" Y/n quickly said before moving closer to Frieren

"Wanna go shopping together later?" Y/n asked her

"Sure" she answered plainly


"Would it kill you to listen to me once!" Stark yelled while Fern was pouting furiously.

"You're so mean I'm going back to my master!" Stark said storming out of the room, usually Y/n would make a joke to lighten the mood but since emotions aren't exactly his strong fort he just decided to keep quiet and watch.

"Are the love birds fighting" Sein(The priest) said walking in.

"Stark didn't get Fern a birthday gift so she's furious" Y/n said

"I think you were too harsh on him" Frieren said sitting next to Y/n who was clutching the gift he had gotten Fern in his right hand.

"Men don't care about little things like anniversaries and birthdays" Sein said making Fern angrier as she results to kicking him

"Ow ow, stop. I'll get you a gift" Sein cried before Fern finally stopped

"Girls your age can make the emotions of boys his age swing wild, you should go see him" Sein said walking away

"He's right" Frieren said

"Also, here you go" Y/n said handing Fern the earrings he got her for her birthday

"Thanks Y/n-San" Fern said before leaving to go find Stark.

"Should we spy on them?"

"What do you think?"


Y/n and Frieren were currently sitting on top of a building watching Fern and Stark

"At least they made up" Y/n said playing with his mana by using magic to form different shapes hovering over his palm.


"Watching them? That's in poor taste you two" Sein said climbing the rooftop

"We could say the same about you"

"Argument are the privilege of the young, must be hard for you both looking after those two after all growing older is understanding relationships" Sein said

"I'm 300+ and I understand nothing" Y/n sighed

"What's that about understanding relationships?" Frieren added

"So it's four kids" Sein sighed

"Fern asked me for advice instead of you two, who the hell is she comparing me to?"

"She was raised by Heiter"

"He's a proper grown up, I'm not"

"All he did was get drunk and lied all the time, he was a corrupt priest"

"In our eyes he was wise and a proper grown up" Sein said

"You're a proper grown up Sein" Frieren said patting his head

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Praising you"

"I really wish I had this done to me by an older lady" Sein whined making Y/n pull Freiren away from Sein and closer to him

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