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Y/n watched with Fern as Frieren conversed with an old man about helping him clean a beach, To say doing community service irritates Y/n would be an understatement perhaps it was his demon side at work cos it's most likely a thing of pride and Frieren probably realizes this judging from the sly smirk on her face right now making Y/n even more displeased. Then again it's not his place to complain after all he is more or less a prisoner to them, can Y/n beat them? Who knows,we may never know because deep down Y/n probably won't even fight them if his life depended on it that's his human side at work. Emotions.....what even are emotions this is a concept Y/n has battled with for three good centuries now and yet it's still an enigma to him, maybe the answer to his question is right before him maybe it awaits him in the future we'll see but right now the only emotion Y/n understands is the one he's feeling right now............Irritation

"What do you mean I have to join you in cleaning up the beach!" Y/n said to Frieren who ignored him making him even more pissed

"Frieren-sama that grimoire is a fake isn't it" Fern pointed out

"Good girl Fern I see you've been studying" Frieren complimented

"Yes it is a fake, any grimoire related to Flamme the legendary mage is probably a fake" Frieren said

"So why did you accept the job?"

"To help someone in need"

"HELLO! So what am I? some unimportant piece of log?!" Y/n said annoyed by the lack of attention he was receiving

"I find that hard to believe" Fern said ignoring Y/n

"you're right I'm probably doing this for myself"

"Since you're both going to act like I don't exist I'm going to go find out if they have some sake in this village" Y/n said storming off angrily

3 months later

It's been three months since the three of them came here now and they aren't done with the cleaning of the beach,Y/n was helping Fern get some shopping done



"Hmm, Y/n you're half demon right?"


"How come?"

"Because some how my mum thought it was a good idea to get pregnant for a demon not just any demon the d- Y/n sighed

"The what?" Fern asked urging him to continue

"Nothing, all you need to know his that my mom was human and my dad was a demon" Y/n said

"So, what about magic?"

"I can only use defense magic, healing magic, Zoltraak and an ace I have up my sleeve" Y/n answered with a smile

"An ace?" Fern said looking at him


"Can you show me?"

"No" Y/n said making Fern pout cutely making him burst into laughter as he pat her head

"You'll probably see soon enough"Y/n said as he opened the door to their small house where they stay


"Frieren is still asleep" Y/n frowned

"Wake her up" Fern said

"I'd rather not"

"Yeah, you're probably right she'll most likely cut off your hand if she finds out you so much as touched her"

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