50 shades of Y/n

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"You know it's been half of my life since we've been traveling" Fern said to Frieren

"It'll be even more from now" Frieren said with a smile

"I feel kinda....left out" Y/n sighed making Fern laugh a little and Frieren smile

"Come on,we've had enough making fun of my emotions let's go"Y/n said walking past both girls


Fern was currently asleep on Frieren's shoulder while Y/n sat on the other end of the wagon facing them

"Hey Frieren"

"Shhhhh! I'm reading"

"Do you think you'll ever grow to accept my demon side"

"This is suspicious Y/n, is this some plan to make me drop my guard around you"

"No, I'm sorry if I came off as suspicious" Y/n sighed

"I hate my demon side too" Y/n muttered

"One year"


If you can go one year without disappointing me I'll accept you" Frieren said as she smiled warmly which is something Y/n never thought would ever be directed at him

"I promise I won't let you down" Y/n said smiling

"However if you do disappoint me I won't hesitate to kill you"

"Classic Frieren" Y/n thought to himself


They arrived at a village where they were being told about ghost or people seeing dead loved ones

"Yeah I'm out of here" Y/n said going to walk away but Fern grabbed the back of his scarf

"You're not going anywhere"

"Fern, are you crazy there are ghost here!"

"Y/n by any chance are you afraid of ghosts" Fern asked making Y/n sweat while looking away

"Who isn't" Y/n whined

"Aren't you a demon?"


"I guess you are truly human at heart, being afraid of ghosts? You should know ghosts aren't real"

"They can't hurt you"

"Maybe physically" Y/n thought to himself but amidst their conversation Frieren caught onto the fact that Y/n was pretending and it wasn't ghosts he was afraid of.

"I guess we can help, it's probably just a monster" Y/n sighed as he walked away

"Way to put on you big boy pants" Fern said sarcastically making Y/n blow a raspberry at her

Y/n was currently asleep in a small room he had rented so he won't have to share a room with Frieren and Fern to give them some privacy since they're girls

"Nrghhhh" Y/n groaned as he woke up from his slumber. He looked around a little before standing up from his bed walking towards a table where he had a bottle of sake, sitting down on the table he poured himself a cup

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