PART 5: The first day starts

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I wake up because I hear sniffing.

Its around my neck, someone is sniffing around my NECK!

Opening my eyes rapidly and flinch, I expect to see Dadadoo or Stinger, but...

"HEY! Naughty pet! Do not behave like that!"

I see a female vampire with long black hair, wearing maid clothes.

In fact, she might as well be a maid.

She gives me a slap.

"Naughty, naughty pet!"

"Ow, sorry! Sorry! I just... yes, i'm the new pet, Bastion brought me in yesterday, i'm still adjusting to my new home and my new room, so sorry that this just happened, ok?"

"What is your reason for just brainlessly trying to attack me then, hm?"

I am surprised, how defensive is she?

"I never wanted to attack you, I never tried! Its just... well, human. Why where you sniffing around my neck?"

She gives me a serious look.

"To see if your blood is still fresh, of course! My sense of smell is the best among all the maids in this castle! And if your blood happened to have something off, I would have given you a "special treatment". And near the neck I smell human blood the best!"


Its sounds absolutely creepy and invasive, it is creepy and invasive, but i'm amazed.

Vampires can smell blood better near the neck? 

Never would I have known that if I never ended up here.

Although... that "special treatment", yeah, something in me tells me to avoid that.

I get myself sitting up in the bed and try to get myself comfortable to the situation.

"Sorry, I did not know, i'll take that in account.  Who are you? I think... you are a maid?"

She goes to the door, and pulls a trolley in, there is a whole variety of breakfast food on it.

"Correct, pet. My name is Betty, one of the four maids of nine staff members in service to count Bastion, our master and your owner."

Suddenly I remember what bastion said yesterday.

"I remember Bastion saying yesterday before I went to sleep that he had some county business early next day, and that he would get a maid to cover my care, might that be you?"

She gets a slight smile.

"Aww... see? The pet is smarter than I thought! Yes, pet, I am here to care for you this morning."

She gives me pats on the head. I feel like a dog...

"Erm... so... what does "care for me" include?"

I don't know if asking that question was appropriate.

But almost everything I say here feels like it can have a risk, it just has less consequences than in the pet shop I was in.

Betty takes a cup of yogurt and a small wooden spoon from the trolley.

"My first order of business is making sure the pet has its fill of food for the morning, or in other terms, I have to give it breakfast! Now, open wide!"

She scoops in the cup and brings the spoon to my mouth.

"Miss Betty, I appreciate it, really, but I can eat normally, i'm not a baby. Can you maybe just hand me the cup and spoon?"

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