PART 2: To the castle

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I'm once again confused.

The formal dressed vampire signals the servant to get the carriage moving.

As the carriage gets moving, the sound of hoofs on the road are heard.

The vampire turns to me.

"Its ok to talk, human. All is good now."

I am confused. What does this vampire want of me?

"... Thank you for getting me out of there..."

"Its, ok, pet, its all ok, now, what should we name you, hm?"

"Wait, what do you mean?"

I feel a bit uncomfortable asking that.

If I said something like that in the jail cell, my captors would have killed me already.

"Well, human, in a legal sense, I own you now. You are a pet now."

I shock. I am feel so powerless al of a sudden.

A mixture of fear and uncertainty boils inside me.

I'm slightly shivering, this is not ok! I really am considered a pet here!

The formal dressed vampire sees this and tries to calm me.

"Hey, hey, it won't be so bad, ok? I know you want to be free, but I paid good money for you and I promised my family I would buy them a pet human someday. And today is that day."

"... Am I... Are you... Are you going to keep me on that leash?"

I nervously point towards the spiked collar.

"No, no, pet, I am not like those cruel pet shop owners back there."


This is total madness inserted into my brain.

I feel completely devoid of my freedom, my life, my very being.


A pet shop for vampires, then, I presume.

"Hey, calm, its all going to be ok, deep breaths... Now, I thinks its important that you now get to know your new owner, me. I am count Bastion of Dolkar, head of the prestigious Dolkar family, now, I think you have already noticed, but yes, we are vampires. Now, do you still remember your name or do we have to find a new one for you?"

"My name... My name is Micheal. I..."

"Nice to meet you, Micheal, I know you probably have a lot of questions on your mind now, but its ok to ask them. I will answer them, do not be scared to let them out."

Questions... where do I begin?

I have a lot of them on my mind, yet... count Bastion does not seem like a bad guy...

"What will happen with me?"

The count clears his throat before speaking.

"Well, on paper, I own you. You are coming with me to my castle, where I shall properly provide you with all your human needs. Do not worry! We will feed you wel, get you some proper clothes instead of those rags, and get you a comfortable room to sleep, in fact, we have already prepared it for you, and all you have to do is let me and my family feed of you every once in a while, don't be scared, it might sound like it will hurt and even kill you, but trust me, we will do it calmly, and eventually you will not feel pain anymore, and because of the atmosphere in this world, your blood levels recover if you rest well."

This is sounding very nightmare-like.

The thought of being safe and cared for, but at the same time being nothing but a plaything and a sustenance to vampires...

Its all very much. Too much for my brain to handle.

"Is... Is your family nice?"

I ask, my nerves exploding as I say it.

"Oh, do not be scared of them! You already know me, and for the rest there is my wife Charlotte, my good friend turned family member Quesanta, and my kids! And trust me, you'll love my children! They are always so cheery! One of them is the heir to my title, so I do keep an eye on them. In fact, to them I promised I would buy a pet human for them one day. It was them who I got you for for the most part."

I feel very strange all of a sudden...

It feels like i'm going to be ok, like i'm going to be all fine, I just have to get used to my "new home".

But at the same time, it feels like just a more luxury prison that the cell I was locked in at the pet store.

Nervously, I try to think of other questions.

"I don't want to be rude, but, do you know what I should eat to stay healthy?"

He lets out a slight laugh, it escapes his lips.

"Oh, Micheal! Of course I do! How else to keep a pet human?"

I sarcastically let out another laugh to slightly play along.

While I asked those questions with no real holding back, i'm still scared to say my actual emotions on how I feel about this.

I think it will have hard consequences, even if Bastion is more kind than those pet shop owners.

"Where... Where are we? Is... Is this still earth?"

"Oh, no, Micheal, Earth is the place you and all other humans call home, but this is Transyl, the eternal dark land of vampires. The sun never shines here. I believe you accidentally tripped through the thread that binds the two worlds. Its rare, but looks like you did it."

I am even more shocked than I should be.

I don't think I even have speech anymore. I'm silenced and destroyed by the situation.

bastion is fidgeting with the spiked collar.

"Hmm, I could just give this to one of the hounds..."

The sound of hoofs over the dirt path, it feels like i'm getting closer to a fate that is silent pain.

I won't feel anything, but it still feels like torture.

and then the carriage stops.

I peep out the window, and see it, a grand castle, dotted with thousands of windows and having  multiple towers all around it, the place is huge and the architecture is eye-catching.

There is also a pond in the vicinity of the castle, filled with... Crocodiles?

Brr! I don't want to end up in there!

Now lets see where Bastion wants me...

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