sick at the show

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y/n age: 4

travis pov

tay was onstage right now and y/n was whining but she couldn't quite say what was wrong. i mean she is only four.

"baby can you show my what hurts?" i asked kneeling down to her level in the tent. she pointed to her stomach.

"your tummy hurts?" i said. and she nodded.

"hey andrea?" i said

"what's up trav?" she asked pulling her attention over to me and y/n.

"y/n is saying her stomach hurts so i'm gonna take her to the bathroom to see if that will help. i'll be back." i said while grabbing y/ns hand.

"alright trav" she said

y/n and started walking backstage when all of a sudden y/n stopped dead in her tracks in the middle of the walkway of the floor section.

"y/n what's wrong why'd you stop walking?" i asked.

then she just started throwing up out of no where. and like a lot.

"it's okay girly you're okay" i said rubbing her back. at this point there was a huge puddle of puke in the walkway and everyone was looking at y/n. i felt so bad for her but she wasn't stopping so i couldn't just pick her up.

"you okay?" i asked as she finished a few minutes later?

"dada i don't like the people looking at me" she whined.

"i know baby here let's go backstage" i said and picked her up.

i let the security know what happened and then they got someone to clean up the mess.

once we got backstage y/n was burning up and had the chills.

"dada i don't feel good" she said whining.

"i know baby i'm so sorry" i said. i felt helpless because i dint know what to do.

"here drink some of this water okay. take small sips" i said as i lifted the bottle to her mouth.

about 15 minutes later.

y/n was now asleep on my chest so i put some noise canceling headphones on her and we headed back to the tent.

"is she okay trav?" andrea asked.

"i hope she's asleep now but i can tell she doesn't feel well at all" i said

"yeah i can tell" she said.

i ended up holding y/n for about and hour before she woke up.

"hey baby girl how are you feeling" i asked her brushing some of her blonde curls out the way.
she just shrugged her shoulders.

"do you feel sick at all? do you feel like you're going to throw up again?" i asked her while placing a kiss on her head. she shook her head no so i just continued to hold her and sway back and forth.

about another hour ended and taylor was on her last song, karma.

y/n, andrea, and i started to make our way backstage again.

as we were walking back the girls that saw y/n throw up earlier asked if y/n was okay which i thought was really nice of them.

once we got backstage we stood there and waited for taylor. i could tell that y/n was uncomfortable because she started to move around a lot.

"you okay sweet girl?" i asked

"dada tummy" she said.

"are you gonna be sick?" i asked. she nodded her head. i darted off the the closest restroom and helped y/n while andrea waited for taylor.

taylors pov

"thank you for an amazing night miami!" i said as i was lowered down into the stage. tonight was a great show. y/n and trav and my mom were all here so it made it even better. i walk down the ramp and i see my mom but no trav or y/n. strange.

"aww you did amazing tay" my mom said

"thanks mom" i said with a chuckle "but where's y/n and trav?" i asked

"oh he's with y/n in the bathroom she isn't feeling good" she threw up in the beginning of the show in the aisle of the floor section. trav took her backstage to get her cleaned up. when they came back she was asleep but then when she woke up she said she felt sick again so that's where they are" my mom explained

"oh my god my sweet girl." i said. "do you know which bathroom they went in?" i asked.

"i think that one right there" my mom said as she pointed at the closest bathroom.

i went over to the door and knocked on it.

"someone's in here" i heard trav yell.

"it's me trav" i said and the door unlocked. i was met with y/n sitting in travs lap by the toilet and she was coughing.

"my poor baby are you okay?" i asked.

"my tummy really hurts mama" she said.

"trav i think i have some stomach medicine that she can take so her stomach can settle some what." i said

"alright. are you done baby girl?" trav asked y/n. she nodded her head so she lifted her up and carried her back to my dressing room.

once we got home we put y/n to sleep in hopes of her feeling somewhat better in the morning. i wouldn't be lying if we said we were up all night with a sick toddler.

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