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Sejal :

The next day, I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was around seven thirty, and I got out of bed and freshened up. I decided to wear a beautiful kurti and paired it with my favorite jhumkas. As I made my way to the living area, I was greeted by a stunning sight.

The whole room was adorned with colorful flowers, creating a beautiful and pleasant atmosphere. It was a perfect reflection of dadi's personality. I couldn't help but admire the effort put into the decorations. As I was taking in the scene, Neha aunty unexpectedly bumped into me and started talking.

"Girl, can't you watch where you're going?" Neha aunty snapped at me, her tone dripping with irritation. It was clear that my mere presence was getting on her nerves. Her words stung, and I could feel a wave of discomfort wash over me. It seemed like she was in no mood to be polite or understanding. I took a deep breath, trying to brush off her rudeness and not let it ruin the rest of the day.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and , I quietly murmured, "Sorry," keeping my gaze fixed on the ground. I didn't want to engage in further conversation, especially considering Neha aunty's relationship with Adhyaan. Plus, she was older than me, and I believed in showing respect to my elders. It was best to keep my words to a minimum and avoid any unnecessary conflict.

Before I could make my exit, Neha aunty couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "God knows why Adhyaan insists on bringing such friends." Her words hung in the air, filled with a mix of frustration and confusion. It was clear that she didn't understand why Adhyaan chose to surround himself with people like me. I couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt at her comment, but I knew it was best to let it slide and not let it affect me.

Neha aunty walked away, leaving me standing there. Her words had stung, and I couldn't deny that they hurt. However, I believed in the power of silence, knowing that sometimes it was better to let things go unsaid. It wasn't in my nature to engage in arguments or talk back at every provocation. So, I took a deep breath, mustering the strength to release the hurt and disappointment that lingered within me.

Feeling the weight of my encounter with Neha aunty still lingering in my heart, I decided to retreat to the solace of my room. The negative energy from the living room had seeped into my mood, and I knew I needed some time alone to regain my composure.

With unfinished office work waiting for me, it seemed like the perfect excuse to escape the tense atmosphere. As I closed the door behind me, I let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the privacy and quiet that enveloped me. It was time to focus on my tasks at hand and find a sense of peace amidst the chaos.

Furthermore, I couldn't find Adhyaan, Tara, Urvashi, and Vedant anywhere today. It seemed like they had all disappeared, leaving me to wonder where they might be. Perhaps they were off finishing up some pending tasks or had other important matters to attend to. The fact that Natasha was present in the house only added to the mystery.

As the clock ticked closer to seven, I immersed myself in my office work, determined to complete the tasks at hand. However, a realization suddenly struck me: the party was just half an hour away. It was time to shift gears and focus on getting ready. Excitement welled up within me as I contemplated the evening ahead.

I knew I had to put on my best attire and present myself in a way that would match the grandeur of the event. With a renewed sense of purpose, I made my way to my wardrobe, ready to select the perfect outfit that would make me feel confident and radiant.

So, I began my quest to find the saree that I had to wear for the occasion. You must be wondering why I was searching for it, assuming it would be in my bag. But to my dismay, it seemed to have vanished into thin air. Determined not to let this setback dampen my spirits, I decided to give my bag another thorough search.

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