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Sejal :

Just like any other typical day, I woke up and followed my usual morning routine. After getting ready, I made my way to the dining table to have breakfast. To my surprise, Adhyaan was already seated there, ready for breakfast.

I took a seat next to him and began enjoying my breakfast. As we ate in silence, Adhyaan leaned in, ensuring that no one around us could overhear our conversation. He whispered softly, breaking the silence, and asked me a question.

" How are you feeling? Any cramps?"

I responded  with

"I'm good, uh no there's nothing like that"

He just nodded his head , and continued having his breakfast

After our chat, everyone finished up their meals and started heading off to their usual routines. I was making my way back to my room when suddenly, I got a notification on my phone. Guess what? I found out that I've been chosen for a work-from-home job I was so excited and couldn't wait to dive into this new opportunity.

I've always dreamed of this, you know? Just having my own space and being able to support myself financially. It feels so fulfilling to have a job that allows me to earn money and get the things I want. And the best part? I can have the nights all to myself, enjoying my own company. It took a lot of hard work, but I finally landed this job. I've always wanted to work and feel accomplished. It gives me a sense of purpose, knowing that I'm doing something meaningful with my life instead of just sitting at home doing nothing.

I'm really glad that I'll finally have the opportunity to work and support myself financially. It's not just about meeting my needs, but also about finding a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Earning my own money gives me a sense of purpose and accomplishment, rather than just staying at home without any productive engagement. It's definitely a step towards a happier and more fulfilling life

As all these thoughts were running through my mind, it suddenly hit me that I should share this exciting news with Adhyaan before he leaves for the office.

So, I headed towards the parking lot, trying to catch up with Adhyaan. As I called out to him from behind, he stopped in his tracks, turned around, and gave me a playful look. With a teasing tone, he said,

"Well, well, what's the rush? Slow down Sejal.I'm all yours, but let's not rush into things."

But I couldn't help but ignore his words, a smile forming inside me. Adhyaan has always been a tease, never missing a chance to playfully poke at me. I wonder how he manages to find the time for it all. But I knew I shouldn't waste too much time, so I responded

"Um, actually, there's something important I wanted to talk about"

With his hands casually tucked into his pockets, he looked at me and said in a deep voice

"I'm all ears."

His confident demeanor never fails to make him look both handsome and intimidating at the same time. It's like he effortlessly commands attention wherever he goes.

Feeling a bit intimidated by his presence, I cleared my throat and I could feel my voice quiver a little, but I knew I had to gather my courage and express myself clearly.

" Today morning I had received job an approval letter as an Illustrator and soon I'll be working from home within a week."

But he choose to tease me like always and spoke with a deep voice yet slowly

" Why so nervous , Sejal ?"

But I couldn't help but defend myself , I quickly retorted, my voice tinged with a mix of determination and a touch of annoyance.

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