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Shi Qingxuan hugged He Xuan for his dear life, some moment later they start to watch again.

Shi qingxuan : 'No! No! That's not what i meant! It’s just..It’s just I, I, I really am very sorry! I have wronged you. Really.  Ming...He...Young Master He. I know both my brother and me are in the wrong. At this point no turning back, so...'

He Xuan : 'So?'
'Well, talk, why did you stop? Are you willing to die for your sins?'

Shi Wu Du : 'HE XUAN!!! The offender is me! It's the Reverend of Empty Word. Qingxuan's sin doesn’t deserve death, you...'

He Xuan : 'Who in my family sinned? And who in my family deserved death?'
'Go on. Tell me. Are you willing?'

'...i am.' QingXuan replied.

He Xuan : 'Do you know who these people are?'
'Vile fates, Sordid fortunes, lives lower than beasts, fates that can drive a man mad.'


'...YOU' shi wu du Shout.

He Xuan : 'Now I give you two options.'

'Option, one. You, Pick one from this crowd and exchange with your brother's fate with him. Then you make youself disappear in mortal realm.'

'Since you enjoy switching fates so much, you must be quite skilled at it. No need for me to teach you.'

'And second option?'shi wu du asked.

'The second option. you.(he eyed shi qingxuan) I won't touch your fate, chop off your brother's head for me.'
'Then never show yourself before me. I will pretend that you never exist in this world.' then through a very bold broken iron sword that cannot even kill a chicken to chop off head? Maybe shi qingxuan need full hour to cut.

Shi wu du : '...I will end myself. Let me do it myself.'

He Xuan : 'You have no right to bargain with me.'

Shi wu du : 'You are asking for our life...'

Shi qingxuan : 'Ge! Ge! Let's, let's choose the fast one.'

'No, i choose the second one.' shi wu du shout again.

Shi qingxuan : '...' 'why the second one, can we not both live...'

'Ge, I really can't do it, i really can't...'

Shi wu du : 'QUITE! Don’t you understand. To have me lose everything and watch you become grimey creature, you think i can do it! Why don’t i just go ahead and die from madness!'

Shi qingxuan : 'Ge!' ' is still better than death. Besides really, if you think about it, we've... we've lived hundreds of years already, it’s time’s time to...'

The viewer qingxuan cloud not watch anymore, he buried himself in he xuan's board solid chest forgetting that this very man is Demon Xuan thousands times terrifying than Reverend of Empty Word. But He Xuan didn’t even blink his eyes absorbed every details how QingXuan really isn’t at fault and shi wu du want to kill his brother before he die. Now laughing manically. In shi wu du's point of vew, shi wu du is still winner as they both brothers are heavenly officials and live a hundreds of year with endless glory. Where He Xuan is long dead, his whole family are long gone, filled with rage and sorrow endless suffering now so much powerful but his family won’t come back. In rage he killed Shi wu du still could not kill shi qingxuan and dump him in capital city.

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