
167 4 0

L.A , Baton Rouge

Nahmere got out of his car and went to the passenger seat , grabbing an unconscious Romani and putting her in the backseat and covering her with a heavy blanket. He quickly made a phone call to Adonis.

"Wassup bro" Adonis answered

"Let's meet at plot in 30 minutes" Nahmere told Adonis with fear in his voice

"Is something wrong?" Adonis asked getting worried

"I think I killed her" Nahmere huffed

"Killed who ? What happened" Adonis asked

"Romani, we got into an argument and I choked her to hard and she passed out" Nahmere huffed

"Why would you do that,she's literally carrying your child nigga" Adonis yelled through the phone

"She knows I have a son ,who even told her ?" Nahmere sighed as he got into his car and drove down to freeway.

"Probably Chantelle" Adonis huffed

"We'll discuss this at the plot" Nahmere huffed and he cut the call.

Nahmere was scared outta his mind. He couldn't lose Romani and most of all he couldn't lose his unborn child.

He finally got to the plot and carried Romani out of his car and into his other house and placed her on the chair gently. Adonis then walked in with Elijah and Drea.

"You brought them here?" Nahmere asked Adonis, referring to Elijah and Drea

"They were with me" Adonis shrugged

"Alright,I need y'all to help me remove her clothes and take her upstairs" Nahmere sighed

"Alright " Drea smiled and she helped Nahmere strip Romani out of her clothes, leaving her in Just her panties and socks and they carried her upstairs and placed her in the master bedroom bed and covered her up.

"Why didn't you just tell her the truth all along?" Drea asked Nahmere feeling disappointed.

"I couldn't,I didn't want her having a miscarriage" Nahmere shook his head

"Why were ya'll arguing in the first place?" Drea asked

"Athens was telling her your business about your cousin and shit and I told her why she would believe such lies from Athena and she brought up that I was backing you up and asking why I haven't seen my son" Nahmere explained

"It's true, everything Athena said is true about Yara and the tape,I'm messing with my baby cousin " Drea admitted to Nahmere

"So it was true" Nahmere sighed as he hit his head multiple times.

"Once Romani wakes up ,and remembers everything, you are done for you gotta fix up the mess you made Nahmere,we ain't backing you up on this one" Elijah sighed as he stood by the door

"Mmmmh" Romani whimpered as she moved around in the bed.

"She's waking up" Adonis huffed making everyone face the bed.

"Where am I?" Romani asked as she sat up covering herself

She then looked at the boys and saw that she had no clothes on and she could only think of the worse.

"Romani it's not what it looks like " Nahmere approached her

"GET AWAY FROM MEEEEEEEEEE, HOW COULD YOU LIE TO MEEEEEEE" Romani screamed as she cried and the boys left the room closing the door leaving Nahmere and Romani.

"Romani,I'm sorry I lied to you,I'm sorry I kept such a secret from you " Nahmere pleaded

"Who are you?? You aren't the Nahmere I fell in love with, you aren't the Nahmere I made love to and you definitely aren't the Nahmere I'm having a child with,I don't know youuuu" Romani cried harder as she held the covers closer to her chest.

"I know I'm in the wrong,I never meant to hurt you baby,I'm sorry" Nahmere started crying

"Why should I forgive you??? You hurt me Nahmere,you tried to kill me and my child ,whyyyyyyy and on top of that you allowed your friends to have their way with meeeee" Romani cried

"They didn't touch you I swear,I swear they never had their way with you baby,I'm sorry mama" Nahmere cried hard

"Get out!!" Romani whispered

"I'm sorry" Nahmere apologized

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUTTTTTTT" Romani shouted out loud making Nahmere stand up and walk out of the room.

Romani couldn't stop crying and rubbing her belly. She started asking herself why she deserved this and why she was going through so much pain when she could end it all. Romani stood up and walked to the bathroom and searched through the drawers for a scissors to stab herself and the baby.

"Where is itttt" Romani cried as she search everywhere until she found the first aid kit and took out a scissors and stood in the mirror.

"I love you baby, momma's sorry and before she could stab her belly , Adonis quickly ran into the bathroom and grabbed the scissors out of Romani's hands.

"Romani I know you're in pain but please don't harm yourself and this baby" Adonis reassured her

"He made me do ittt" Romani cried into Adonis's chest and he wrapped his arms around her.

"I know Mani,I'm sorry" Adonis comforted her as she cried.

They walked back into the room and Adonis left Romani on the bed as he went to get her some clean clothes.

"I brought you some clothes" Adonis smiled slightly as he faced the other direction and gave Romani the clothes.

"Thank you and you don't have to look away,since you already saw me like this earlier" Romani sighed as she put on the clothes

"Nah,I don't like watching other guys girlfriends dress up" Adonis smiled as he waited for her to finish up.

"Umm thank you, you can turn around now" Romani laughed

"Let's get you home" Adonis smiled and they left the plot and drove all the way back to Romani's apartment.

"Thank you Adonis" Romani sighed as she played with her fingers

"It's alright,I was just helping a friend out" Adonis smiled

"Idk what would have happened if you didn't come in time to stop me from harming myself and the baby,I was just ready to give up everything" Romani sniffled as she wiped her tears.

"People come and go ,but your life is the most important thing regardless of the pain we go through as humans,we must endure the pain and continue moving strong" Adonis reassured Romani

"That's true,my little beans life is important to me than temporary sadness" Romani smiled as she rubbed her belly.


Adonis being a ride or die friend to Romani!!!!

Nahmere begging for forgiveness when the damage has been done already

Drea admitting to messing around with her younger cousin

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