Chapter 28

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Rosabella's Pov

I stared at the ceiling for a while until l was completely sure that Alex was asleep

I sneaked in mom's room and looked for her phone because l just want to talk to my dad just once

I searched the whole ran quietly so that mom doesn't wake up and just as l was about to give up l found it and luckily it wasn't locked

"Where the hell are you Selena and where the fuck did you take my children" l heard dad yell and l flinched at how loud his voice was

"I hope you're treating them well Selena because l will find you and this time l'll do what l should have done 2 years back" he snapped menacingly

"D-da-daddy " l said lowly and l heard dad suck his breath

"My little princessa " l put my hand on my mouth to stop my sobs from being heard

"Talk to me baby" l heard dad say desperately as l wailed

"I m-miss y-you " l tried to say but l haven't said a word in a year so it was extremely difficult

"Oh my God baby l really miss you but don't worry l'll find you really soon you did a really good thing by calling"

"Very l-late" l managed to say as l hang up

I couldn't stop crying as l walked on the dark and empty street ,l ran away from home so that mom and Alex didn't have to suffer but my heart was still shattered

Why can't l just be happy once

Mr Rossi called me a bastard all my life

Mrs Rossi said that l ruined her marriage

My mom didn't want me

I broke my parents marriage

I ruined Alex's life

I ruined my whole family

Everything is my fault

Everything l ever had l have done nothing but ruin

I destroyed everything

I don't deserve to live

I heard a car honking repeatedly behind me but l didn't have the strength to turn until l felt the worst pain shoot through my entire body and everything went blank


"what is too late Bella " the phone got disconnected before she could hear me and l sobbed

"Matt what's wrong" l heard Elena say as she repeatedly shook me but l couldn't stop my tears

"Everything is wrong l could hear it from her voice my baby is hurt and l can't do anything" l snapped at her but l noticed the boys had gathered around us and l could see unshed tears in their eyes

"What did she say dad" Elonzo said urgently

"Leone get the L twins to track that phone , Leonardo get the plane ready and Elonzo you're in charge until l get back" l backed out to all of them

"We want to come with dad" Leonardo said and the boys shook their heads in agreement

"No l'll bring your brother and sister home " l said and they dispersed to their assigned tasks

"What about me Matt, can l come with" Elena said beside me as l packed my stuff to leave because the twins would only take a few before they find the location

"No " l said sternly

"Please" she said and l sighed

"Elena l know this is about your jealousy about Selena and be rest assured l am over her" l said

"She's the mother of your children Matt"

"And you're my wife and l don't want to fight about this Elena because my kids need me " l said

"We both know you don't consider me your wife Matt" she said and left the room

Nothing seems to be going well but l hope l can find my children


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