Chapter 21

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Selena's Pov

I was not born in the mafia and it wasn't easy for me to adjust but somehow l convinced myself that l could do it

I loved Matteo but part of me always resented him for being a hindrance in my freedom and that's mostly why l was not an atentive mother to my children

After the boys were born they always tailed after their father and l knew they would take after him ,as much as l loved Matteo l knew he was a ruthless monster and l saw the same look in my sons and l couldn't tolerate it especially when l found out l was carrying a girl

I didn't want to give away my daughter but l thought l was doing that right thing but now am not really sure

Staring at the divorce papers infront of me l feel heartbroken which is something l didn't think l would feel

I wanted to be free from this marriage and motherhood and also the mafia for so long but now that l have got my wish l feel like l've lost a part of me

I have lost so much of my children's lives and it hurts but l don't want to lose any more moments and l know that it's too late but l can't help but wonder if they'll ever want me to be a part of their lives

I failed as a wife but l can still make some amends as a mother

With determination l drive to Matteo's office and as l get there l feel my palms get wet because of the anxiety but l can't give up now

When l open his office door he snaps his head to my direction and he frowns

"What are you doing here" he says as he motions me to come in

"I know we're getting divorced but am still your wife " l said as l sat on the chair opposite him

"I am guessing this has something to do with the divorce papers Si! "

"I want Alexander and Rosabella's custody but you'll still see them whenever you want and you can take them on weekends and holidays" l say getting to the point and l see him rumbling with laughter

"Are you joking" he says looking at me crazily

"No " l say seriously

"then what the hell makes you think l will even let you go anyway near my children" he said with a dark glint in his eyes and l was shivering internally but l won't show him how much he scares me because l am a woman on a mission

"Because they are mine as much as they are yours " l said and he scoffed

"You are wasting your time Selena l will never let you come anyway near my children"

I took out my tablet to show him exactly what he had to lose and by the look on his face l knew l got him

"Now you have to choose Teo between having your eldest son and his cousins rot in jail for the rest of their lives or letting our last born kids live with their mother and atleast you'll get to see them as much as you want which am not sure about your eldest son " l said and stood up to go

"Would you really do that to your son Selena " he said and l froze

"I have already lost my eldest children Matteo but l'll do anything to keep the remaining two" l said and closed the door of his office behind me

I know you have never lost Matteo but checkmate because l know you'll never send Elonzo and the others in prison.

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