Chapter 19

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Elonzo's Pov

A part of me always knew the truth but somehow l refused to believe it ,my brother could never be capable of something so vile but still l chose to stand by my sister

I was so angry at my dad for standing by our cousin and not my sister but now l understand why he did

Alexa lied to me and my brothers and we foolishly believed her but we loved her far too much to ever question her so she used our love and trust for her against us and for that l can never forgive her

"How could you"

"I am sorry bubba" she said but l was too furious to listen to her nonsense

"Do you have any idea what you did to my family" l yelled and she started sobbing

"I am so sorry bubba please forgive me"

"You intentionally caused a wedge between us and our cousins and also accused our cousin of attempting to molest you and you're sorry

what is sorry going to do huh ,fo God's sake you were only 9 how could you even think of something like this" l said shaking my head in disbelief

"What" l turned to see everyone looking at us Leone and Leo were the only ones who looked shocked like l had expected because we are the only ones who got fooled and manipulated by Alexandra while the others trusted Xavier

"How could you Alexa" Leone muttered looking as distraught as l felt when l found out

"I didn't mean to course any trouble l was just so stupid" she said sadly but nothing she says or does will ever justify what she did

"You ruined Xavier's life and completely destroyed our relationship and all you can say is sorry" Leonardo yelled while walking towards her but our mother stood in his way

"Please forgive her Leo she's your sister" she said and we all looked at her in disbelief

"You probably knew right maa " l said laughing but l was fuming deep down

"you said that we turned out to be monsters right mother but what you didn't realise was that you are a bigger monster than we are

You gave away your own daughter twice and you let this spoilt brat of yours ruin our brothers life you don't deserve to be a mother and monster or not you don't deserve to be our mother " l said calmly but l was breaking on the inside because come what may l loved my mother or should l say l love my mother but she hasn't acted like our mother in a long time and l won't let her play with our emotions

"E-l-lon-zo what do you mean" l could see the hurt and pain in my mother's eyes but l can never forgive her for not telling us that Alexa was lying and ruining Xavier's life

"He is right ,you failed as a wife and also as a mother and you can't be my mother because my mother can never be this selfish so from this day l consider my mother dead " Leonardo said and left the room and knowing his anger l don't want him to do something he might regret after

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