Chapter 52-His New Girlfriend

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Why does he want to have dinner with me? We've not had any conversation since he got here when he and his son basically ignored me like I was irrelevant.

" Are you sure?" It was a stupid question but I had to ask her to make sure I was right and I had heard her correctly.

" Yes, he called for me and then he asked me to call you over for dinner." I couldn't ignore him, I'll look very disrespectful, I didn't want to go there, especially if he was anything like his son.

" Okay," I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair, at least let me look presentable.

I grudgingly walked to the other wings of the house. When I got to the door, I contemplated going back but that would make me look like a coward. I could just go back and tell Rena to tell him I hadn't fully recovered and I needed rest. No, I'm already here, so why not just go inside?

I took a deep breath and opened the door. He was already waiting at the dining table when I got there.

" Hello Sir, hope I didn't keep you waiting?" I said as I took a seat by his right side since he was sitting by the head of the table.

" No, you're just in time," He said as he called on a maid to come serve us, I was nervous and it made my appetite thin but I had to force myself to eat. We ate in silence and I'm sure he could hear my heart beating out loud.

" So, how did you and my son meet?" Well if he was trying to make small talk that was definitely not the best question to ask me.

" Well Sir, I suggest you ask your son, he'll be in the best position to explain what type of relationship we have," Then you can go ahead and judge me all you want.

" Hmmm" He just hummed and I had already finished eating or else I would have been focused on the food, and right now, there was nothing to focus on except him.

" Do you see my son like a man you could ever get married to?" If my heart was beating before, now I was sure that any moment from it would fall out of my chest. Why was he asking me this? Did Markus ask him to, so maybe he could laugh in my face at how desperate I wanted to be his wife if I happened to say yes?

" I don't think we've known each other enough to talk about marriage."

" But you've known each other enough to get pregnant for him?" He asked me with a raised brow. I don't know what he was driving at, but I knew I didn't like the tone he was using, it sounded so judgemental. I didn't give him any answer so he continued.

" See I didn't call you here to interrogate you or anything, but I want you to know that whatever little plan you have should not be something that would hurt my son, I've seen what he looks like broken, and I tell you truly, I don't want to see a repeat of it." What did he mean by that? It sounded like he was just speaking in parables, everything was unclear to me.

I returned to my room after the awkward dinner, happy that it had come to an end and I didn't make a fool of myself.

I took my medication and then I went to sleep, the doctor said I needed to be well-rested but unfortunately, I was awoken by the ring of my phone.

" Hello?" I was beginning to get used to picking up my phone without checking who the caller was, but as I heard the person speak I immediately recognized the voice.

" Hardin, how are you?" I asked.

" Did I wake you up? You sound like you just woke up?"

" Yeah, but it's okay."

" Oh, so sorry, so how are you feeling now? Any better?"  He asked me and I couldn't help but smile at how genuinely concerned he sounded, good friends were hard to come by.

" I'm better now, I'm no longer in the hospital, was discharged today."

" That's good to know." The phone went silent for a while but I knew he hadn't hung up, he just seemed to be in thought.

" Oh by the way, how was your game?" I would have loved to go watch him but this stupid fever prevented me.

" It was great, I wish you were there, we won."

" Wow, congratulations, maybe when I get better we can celebrate."

" I'll love that," We talked for a while before we ended the call and I got up from my bed to go for a walk.

The time was 9:34 pm and I made sure to cover myself thoroughly before going out, I just wanted fresh air and a walk would do me good.

As I sat on the wooden bench by the garden I could get a clear view of the other wing and I watched as a black car drove in, I could tell the driver was Markus but what I didn't expect was for him to walk to the passenger's side and opened the door as a beautiful woman came out smiling at him from ear to ear. I was confused, could that be his Fiona?

He locked the door and they both walked inside the house together.

I just hope he had not brought another woman here to torment me, the last one he brought almost killed me. I stood up from where I sat and went back inside when the breeze was becoming too much.

I woke up the next morning with a slight headache but after taking my medication I felt better. I had an appointment with the doctor today so I needed to get ready.

I kicked the bedsheets off me and went into the bathroom to have a hot shower and after that, I got dressed and headed downstairs.

I got into my car started the engine and started driving out, but just as I reached the gate I saw the lady from yesterday waving at my car like she wanted me to stop and I stupidly did.

" Hey good morning," she greeted as she she opened the door and got in.

" I'm so sorry, but I don't like driving and my boyfriend is a little busy, can you drop me off at the nearest mall?"

" Boyfriend?" I thought but didn't know I had asked it out loud.

" Yeah, Markus, he asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday."


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