Chapter 28- Moving Out

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" You?! What are you doing here? Don't tell me you are stalking me?" I asked as I gave him a small smile. We didn't meet in the best circumstances but he wasn't a bad person. I didn't even know his name.

" Well, it is indeed true that the world is a small place. Didn't expect to meet you so soon." He had his hair neatly styled back not like it was on the beach where it fell carelessly.

" I don't think I introduced myself. I'm Hardin Scott." He said as he brought his hand forward for a handshake, I was about to take his hand when someone drew me back.

Oh, I completely forgot that he was here.

" Are you both blind or just stupid?" He asked as his eyes were throwing slits at Hardin. I don't know what his deal was.

"You pretend like you don't see her with me and then you want to take her hand in front of me."

" My apologies." He stretched his hand forward for a handshake but Markus looked at his hand as if he was looking at filth.

" Oh," Hardin said as he turned to me took my hand, and planted a kiss on the back of my hand.

" Well my lady, see you around." I didn't mean to but I blushed.

Hardin walked away giving me a smile and all these while Markus was watching us silently, I knew I was going to get an earful.

Before he could start condemning me I started walking towards the elevator.

I stepped in first and I could tell his eyes were on me but I didn't bother to say anything, he could think all he wanted to I didn't have the power to start giving explanations. I didn't owe him one.

" What the fuck was that?!" He asked just as he slammed the car door closed just as I opened it.

" What do you mean?"

" Oh really? What do I mean?" He asked as if he was going to bury me on the spot.

" You act like you have no fucking clue what I am talking about when you were openly flirting with your boyfriend in front of me like I was invisible."

" First off, he's not my boyfriend and you are the one trying to make a big deal out of nothing. He was trying to be a gentleman and offered you a handshake, what did you do? Ignore it." I said to him as I looked him square in the eyes, I wasn't going to be intimated by him, he should stop acting like I was his wife and was disrespecting him.

" I am going to say this one last time, you're not permitted to be with any other man until my child is born, then if you decide to be a whore no one is stopping you." My mouth fell open, did he just call me a whore?

" Fuck you!"

" Already did." I sent him a glare as I turned away from him, taking my phone out to order a taxi, there was going to be an accident if I got into that car with him.

" Where are you going?" He asked but I didn't answer him neither did I stop walking.

" I'm talking to you."

" I wish you weren't." I bitterly responded to him. If he was going to be an asshole I was going to treat him just as he deserves.

" If you don't stop right now, I am going to be throwing you over my shoulder if I have to." It was a good thing we were in the parking lot and there was no one there or else we would have been making a scene.

" Get in the car, Jane!"

" Now you want to get into a car with a whore, I thought you were a nobleman."

" I am." That pissed me off more. He was claiming to be a noble man but he just indirectly called me a whore for a second time.

I didn't bother turning back and it was a good thing he didn't call me back.

My taxi driver was already waiting for me and I got in telling him my address.

When I got home I called all the servants and instructed them to move my things to the other wing of the house, they looked at me in question but none of them could say a thing because of the look I gave them.

I was in the other wing in a room I chose for myself when the door burst open revealing my nemesis. She was still here, I knew she had nothing good to say, wherever she was trouble seemed to be there.

" My dear, I am so happy you decided to make the right decision, I had to personally come to thank you myself. It's a good thing you realize I am the rightful person to sleep by his side and wake up with him." She said in a cheery voice, did she think any of her words had any effect on me?

She could marry Markus for all I cared but one thing I was sure of was that I would find a way to keep my child, Markus would not take this child from me I don't care how much he paid me, I don't care about the fucking contract nor do I care about making him fall in love with me.

All I cared about was my child. I don't think I could bear living with Markus for the rest of my life, I would go to prison because I would kill him.

The smile on her face didn't falter for even a second. She looked like she was just got the best news and nothing could take away her smile.

" Well enjoy your stay here, I should go to my new room. You know where I can take care of my man properly." She gave me a wave before turning away from me making sure her hair did the flip before she walked outside the room shutting it just as she came in.

I had been so quiet that they thought they could walk over me.

Maybe they want my dark side.

I would give them just that.

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