Chapter 22- The Fight

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" I'm going down for dinner," I said to Markus as soon as I came out of the closet.

I didn't wait for him as I was already making my way out of the room. I wonder what he wanted when he knocked at the door.

I had to go feed his baby since everything was now about his baby. This child was so lucky, he or she was already receiving so much attention even before being born.

I ignored the new trouble of the house as I just took a seat as Rena began to serve me.

I looked at Rena but the smile she gave me earlier was gone. Yes, she smiled at me but it looked so forced and Rena barely brought her hair down especially when she served.

She was trained that well.

Then what was happening? Why was her hair down and why did it seem to be covering her face?

" Rena, are you okay?"

Her eyes quickly filled with panic and I instantly knew that everything was definitely not okay.

" Rena, I asked you a question. Is everything okay?" She nodded her head frantically and if I had any doubt before that something might be wrong it had just been cleared. This wasn't something that had to deal with mood swings or she was definitely hiding something from me.

" Put your hair up now," I ordered her and she shook her head as if telling me not to but I wasn't having it.

" Rena don't make me repeat myself." When she finally lifted her hair I gasped as I stood up so quickly from my chair that the chair hit the floor.

"Who did this to you, Rena?" She had red marks covering her cheek like someone slapped her with something so hard.

I knew just who had the heart to do something like this. I didn't even have to ask.

" How do you feel about this?" She pretended like I wasn't talking to her and that set me off. I took the water on the table and emptied it on her.

" I am talking to you," I shouted in anger.

" What? Am I supposed to acknowledge you? What would you do if I said yes I did it." She spoke with anger as she took the napkins on the table to wipe her face.

" She was being stupid and I had to knock some sense into her."

" Just like you're being stupid and I'll knock some sense into you." I didn't give her the opportunity before I threw the hot soup on her and she shouted in pain.

" You bitch." And then she attacked me, dragging my hair and I tried to push her hands off me.

" Ma'am please stop. You're going to hurt yourself." Rena tried to pull us apart but the annoying witch pushed her making her fall flat on her butt.

I did the same thing to her pushing her down as she dragged me with her by the hair. Gosh, that hurt like crazy.

" What the hell is going on there?!" We both froze as she released my hair, her face totally becoming like an angel.

" Look she hurt me." She said as she pushed me aside running to Markus to show him her skin where I just poured the hot soup. She deserved it.

Markus didn't even turn to her as he had his eyes focused on me.

Rena helped me to my feet as I thanked her and tried to adjust my hair as much as I could since that witch decided to ruin it.

" I asked a question, didn't I?" He repeated.

" She just came to the table and attacked me, she wouldn't let me eat my dinner in peace and said I was dirty and wasn't worth sitting on this dining table, she called me all manner of names I was so angry then we got into a fight."

Wow, I've never seen someone tell a lie so fast and I almost believed her. Did she go to school for lying?

" Do you have a degree in lying because you're so good?" I applauded her.

" Why would I tell a lie?"

" I don't know, maybe because it's your superpower."

" Enough!" The room went silent.

" I don't care what has transpired between the two of you. But you can keep fighting after my child is born, you can settle whatever score you have, but keep my child out of it. Are we clear on that?"

None of us said anything.

" Are we clear?"

The witch mumbled but I still kept quiet. I turned to Rena, took her hand, and walked away with her. I needed to treat that face before it got worse.


I heard her say she was going down for dinner which was a good thing because she wasn't starving my child.

I was going to join her shortly. I just needed to send Becka's pictures and some details to my private investigator.

I just finished doing that when I heard a loud noise come from downstairs. I didn't pay heed to it because I didn't think it was something important.

Imagine my surprise when I decided to make my way downstairs and heard loud noises. I knew there was trouble.

Jane had Becka on the floor and Becka had her both fists filled with Jane's hair.

I didn't like what I was seeing. Did Jane forget she was pregnant and that she would risk fighting, what if something happened to the child?

And when I asked what happened I didn't get a reasonable answer, not like I cared, they could scratch their eyes out for all I cared. But my child should not be involved in whatever grudge they had against each other.

" You," I said as I turned to Becka. The message was already clear even before I spoke.

" Let me make something clear. I didn't leave you here to cause trouble. In case you have forgotten, I have a lot of buildings and sending you to one wouldn't cost me anything. This is your last chance. If you misbehave again I won't be held responsible for my actions."

I said to her and not giving her even a glance I walked away.

Jane and I had things to talk about.

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