Eustass Kid: Bad Bully

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"What's up Nerdy?" A voice called out from behind me I kept walking and ignored his voice. A low growl rose hairs on the back of my neck but I still ignored him like the idiot I am. Then a hand grabbed my shoulder and slammed me into some nearby lockers. Hands were placed on either side of me blocking my almost all my escape ways. I looked up into his piercing red brown eyes. They had a playful look in them but they were still narrowed and really pissed off.
"What is it Eustass-Chan?"
"Don't give me that 'what is it Eustass-chan' shit! Fucking look at me when I'm talking to you!"
I guess my gaze was wondering because I looked back at him, whom was still very pissed off. He smirked when I stared into his eyes.
"There that's better, Now did you finish my Algebra 2 homework?"
Ohhh so that's what this is about, I nodded and shuffled to get my backpack off me without touching Eustass Kid. Who still had me pinned up against the lockers. His gaze followed my movements as I unzipped my backpack and went through the files.
"Here," I pulled out his file and opened it then pulled out his homework. He grabbed the paper from my hand. He looked over it and looked back up at me and smirked.
"Thanks Nerd Bird, now I best be on my way," He pats me on the head and walks away and down the now empty hallway where his gang was waiting.
I roll my eyes and walk the other direction towards my class whispering under my breath curses and insults that would give my grandparents heart Attacks.
--------------Next Day----------------
"Really (y/n) You shouldn't let him pick on you anymore! Show him what a strong and scary girl you are!"
Nami was yelling at me again about how I should stop doing whatever Kid tells me to do and stand up for myself. I roll my eyes and focus my attention on my ham sandwich before a certain hungry boy got a hold of it.
A hand reached over my shoulder trying to grab my chips, I slam my textbook down on their hand.
"Owe!!! Owe!!" Luffy was yelling and jumping up and down from the pain in his hand and I continued to eat.
"Serves you right for trying to steal my food."
"NAMI-SWAN!! (Y/N)-CHWAN!! I made an extra special lunch for you today!!!" Sanji was approaching doing his weird noodle dance and waving around 2 lunch-boxes. I laugh a little and take a lunch-box from his hand then turn around and give it to Luffy.
"Thank you Sanji-kun!"
Sanji slumps forward onto the table, I laugh some more and pat him on the head.
"Maybe next time Sanji-kun, I already ate my lunch!"
"Aye Aye (Y/n)-Chawn!"
His eyes are hearts and he's doing his noodle dance again dancing over to Nami to give perverted compliments to her. I sigh and try to have a conversation with Luffy who is currently stuffing his face with the food from Sanji's lunch-box.
I sigh and stand up, I exit the cafeteria and start wondering the halls. I end up turning a corner and fall backwards landing on my butt. I look up ready to glare at the person who knocked me over, when I do I end up staring into dark red orbs.
"Well, well, look what we have here boys. Its little miss Nerdy, whatcha doin out here Nerdy? Are you skippin?"
"No, I'm taking a walk," I glance behind Kid and see his gang, Killer, Heat, and Wire. I stand up and dust off the back off my skirt, then glance back at at Kid and his gang then proceed to walk around them.
"Where the hell do you think you're going Nerdy? We want to have some fun."
Kid smirks a little but Killer his right hand man shifts a little unsure of what to do.
"I'm going to the library," I simply state and keep walking past them. Then someone pushes me against the lockers, I look up to meet Kids eyes.
"Look me in the eyes when I'm fucking speaking to you Nerdy."
I nod my head, what do I do? I need to surprise him somehow so I can get free...I glance down at his lips...hmm perfect.
I smile up at him, and he gets a confused look on his face. I grab his shirt and pull him down to meet my lips. They're super soft, I hear a gasp behind Kid, Then I let go and look at his stunned face and smirk. Then I kiss him on the cheek and race off down the hall and into my class. I take a step forward then falter a little bit after realizing what I've just done. just kissed my bully! OH MY GOD I JUST KISSED EUSTASS KID!
-----------After School-------------
I close my locker and lean my forehead against. My first kiss was Eustass Kid, I sigh and then walk out of school after saying goodbye to all my friends. I'm walking along the path to get home and I hear footsteps behind me, that's weird no one from school comes this way. I look over my shoulder and I see Kid a little ways behind, he waves and I gulp.
I start running because I don't want to get my face pummeled in by Kid.
"Wait! Ner-! (Y-N)! Hold on! I wanna talk to you! (Y/n)!"
I freeze, he's never said my name before, I look over my shoulder at him as he walks closer to me. He stops when he stands in front of me, he doesn't look at me. He looks slightly nervous, I can tell because he's shifting from foot to foot. This better not be about the kiss, I think as I sigh inwardly.
"Um what, Eustass-Chan?" It's funny seeing the great Eustass Kid nervous, I giggle a little.
"Shut up!"
I can't stop laughing now, I found that way too funny. I feel a tear rolling down my face and my eyes are closed. I'm laughing so hard that I barely feel his hands on the back off my neck. Then he pulls me forward so that my face is close to his, that shuts me up really quick. He smirks a little but he has a slight pink blush dusted across his face.
"That's better," Then he kisses me. And it wasn't like mine in any way possibly, then finally after what felt like an eternity we pulled back both of us gasping for breath. His hands go lower and wrap themselves around my waist and pull me closer to him.
"I don't think your supposed to kiss your victims Eustass-Chan."
He blushes a deep red, I laugh and smile then kiss him on the cheek.
"W-Well I Don't think YOUR supposed to kiss your bully!"
"True but it was a do-or-die moment, Your not a very good bully Eustass."
"Well I guess that and this makes me a bad bully, huh?"
He cuts me off as he pulls me in for another kiss.
Yay! Finished this! And my next Eustass Kid chapter was requested I think it'll be super cuter and SUPER DUPER FLUFFY!! I'm going to write it after I finish with the Portgas D. Ace: Tsundere! Oh and I'm not going to be doing Lemons! Sorry I just feel kinda awkward writing them. And I need some ideas for a Luffy Chapter! Help?

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