Shanks: Please Stay part 2

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Warning: lots of time kips in here! I have warned you, and enjoy!

—————————-1 year later———————


I open my eyes and look down. And upon seeing three beaten up little boys, I smile and jump out of the tree landing next to them.

"Whatcha need you little punks?"

"Teach us how to be strong!" Luffy yelled then Sabo and Ace grabbed his cheeks and pulled out.

"You idiot! We were going to trick her into teaching us!"

I laughed and patted Sabo and Luffy on the head, then kissed Ace on the cheek. He blushes a deep red, I smile then pat him on the head.

"Awe Ace your so inexperienced! It's so cute when you blush!"

"S-Shut up! Baka!" And with that Ace runs back into the bushes. Luffy runs after him yelling for him to come back, and Sabo waves at me then runs after them. I sigh then jump back into the tree. I lean against the trunk and close my eyes.


Opening my eyes I see that it has gotten dark, I jump out of the tree and walk down the path to Dadans' hut. I stop by the cliff on my way there and look out at the sea and sigh. I feel something wet and hot roll down my cheek, I know that I'm crying but  choose to ignore it. I feel more tears come out of my eye, I fall to my knees and scream.


Then I feel my hair being ruffled, and my back is encircled by two little arms. I don't look up because I know its Luffy, I can't bare to have him see me cry anymore. I keep my head down and cover my mouth so that he cant hear my sobs.

" Don't worry (y/n), we'll see him again one day. So until then we have to get stronger....for him, okay?"

He really surprises me sometimes, I look up at Luffy tears still in my eyes and nod my head. He smiles and nods his head too, then the other two come running out of the trees and tackle us to the ground. Laughing I jump up and yell at the before chasing them back into the woods heading towards the hut. 

—————-9 year later and maybe a couple months———


I wave at the disappearing boat, rocking in the waves. Luffy had finally kind of grown up, and he was off to find a crew and become a great pirate. I see that Luffy is still waving and I smile and keep waving until the boat is completely gone. I sigh and notice that most of the people form the village has dispersed. I look back out at the sea and remember that hanks still hasn't come back yet. I shake my head and walk back to Dadans' hut. I open the door and walk in, expecting to go to my room and fall asleep I end up getting a hit on the head instead.

"Ah! Ow! OW! Dadan! What was that for?"

I get another hit on the head from the big women.


"Go after who? Luffy? Luffy's a man now he can take care of hims-"

And again another hit on the head. 


My eyes widen and a blush forms across my cheeks. I shake my head and walk around Dadan and up the stairs to my room. I hand wraps around my arm and holds me there. I look back with tears flowing down my face. Dadan shakes her head and pulls me in for a hug and squeezes me tightly.

"Go after him, I'll get you a ship and a few nakama," she whispers into my ear then pulls away and pushes me up the stairs," Now go pack." I smile and nod my head, then run to my room.

———————3 months later———————

"Bye Dadan! I'll miss you! I promise to come back soon!" I wave at the disappearing port, knowing that they probably can't see me anymore.

"Alright everyone," everyone turns their attention towards me and I smile. "This might be a long trip, so I hope ill enjoy sailing with you!"

" where are we headed?" I smile and stand proudly.

"We are headed for he Grandine!"

Little did I know this trip would be wild and adventurous. That I'd end up with a big bounty and be the captain of an amazing crew. That I'd end up eating a devil-fruit and become an anchor.  That I'd end up learning haki. That I'd end up meeting the famous white-beard himself and end up becoming like a daughter to him.

————- 1 year & a half later —————

"Captain! Captain! We're almost at White-Beards' ship!"

I nod my head and walk towards the front of my ship. I patted the bowsprit and climbed on top of it and sit down lazily. I could see the members of White-beards ship running around on deck or looking at my ship. To be honest I was kind of nervous, I mean this is the famous White-Beard, the all powerful man, the person who was close in power with Gol D. Roger, and my only clue at finding Shanks.

I look behind me at (g/f/n) ((<guy/friends/name)) and nod giving him a note. He opens a circle in the air and passes through it. I hear shouts aboard I laugh a little remembering my first encounter of his supesu fruit, or the space fruit. I wait a while then a circle forms near me and he climbs through it. He looks a little shaken so I pat his shoulder and start to go through. He grabs my arm and I look back at him.

"Be careful (y/n), remember he is White-Beard, he's dangerous."

"Don't worry I'll be careful! I promise," I smile and he lets go letting me pass through his space hole. I land on the deck of White-Beard, looking up at the towering man I smile hesitantly.

He frowns a little at me and speaks, his voice rumbling across he deck.

"What brings you to my ship, (y/f/n) ((<your/full/name)), Captain of the Sonic Pirates?"


Yay! I did it! I like part 3 will hopefully be coming soon...maybe. I'm sorry I haven't gotten to this sooner its just my mom took my phone and I finally was able to get on the computer and write this. Its actually a long story, but I wont go into to detail. Yay! OH AND THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE OUT THERE WHO ARE READING THESE XREADER WRITING I'M DOING! IT MEANS A LOT SO THANK YOU!

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