Roronoa Zoro Part 2: The Dancer

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" I can't believe you don't know where your own ship is!" I yell as we wander around. We, me and Zoro, were lost because he couldn't find his way back to his ship.
" Well it's not my fault that you got us lost!"
"How could I have gotten us lost? I was following you the whole time!"
Zoro opens his mouth like he was going to say something but then closed his mouth and looked away.
I nod my head, " Exactly!" A blush starts to form across his face. I sigh and look around, noticing that we weren't even at the docks.
" Well how about we go to the docks? Your ship should be around there right?"
He nods his head. "Good," I say then walk over to a tree and pull a vine off of it.
" What's that for," he asks as he looks at me suspiciously. I quickly tie it around his waist, then tie it around my waist.
"This is so that you don't get lost again! I know my way to the docks, so you just have to follow me then when we get to the docks we can look for your ship and nakama!" I smile at my well thought out plan while he tries to untie the vine wrapped around his waist. I smack his hand away from it and start to walk towards the docks.
I feel a slight tug and look back.
"Zoro! How can you be trying to go that way? All you have to do is follow me!"
"Your directions suck," Was all he said.
"Tch," He blushes and looks away.
I sigh and start pulling the vine with me towards the docks.
---------------2 hours later----------
"Finally! We're here!" I almost cry when we finally reach the docks. I look around then look at Zoro.
" So what does your ship look like?"
"It's called thousand sunny and it yellow and has a lion head at the front of the ship, oh and it also has some orange trees on it.
---------3 hours later--------
"Oh here she is!" I look up and see his ship, it's very colorful and fun looking.
"Well finally after wandering around with you for so long I was starting to worry that your horrible sense of direction was rubbing off on me."
He looks at me and glares and I giggle. Then suddenly a hand wraps around me and Zoro.
"Eh! What's going on?"
"Oh shit! Luffy no!" Zoro starts yelling then we're catapulted towards Thousand Sunny. Zoro wraps his arms around my waist and tries his best to cover my head. We both are thrown into the wall.
"Ow! Who the hell had that bright idea?"
I look around and that we are on the ship now. I try to move but Zoro is still holding on tightly to me.
" Oi! Dancer! Shishishishi! You finally made it! You're funny!"
I look for the owner of the voice and finally see him. I shake my fist at him, " When Zoro lets go of me I'm going to kill you! What the hell were you thinking?"
"Don't worry you'll get used to it," a women's voice says. I look around for her and see her, wow she's beautiful. She walks over to me and Zoro and smacks him on the head, "Let go off her you numbskull!"
Zoro wakes up suddenly and looks around dazed.
"Huh, Morning already?"
"No! Get your hands off the new girl!" Zoro looks down at me and blushes then let's go of me.
"Sorry," he mumbles at me.
I blush too then get up and dust off my legs and arms. Looking around I see that it's a very unusual boat. It had grass, orange trees, and many other cute unusual things.
"Yahuhuhuhuhu!" A skeleton laughs near me, Brook that was his name right? I look at him curiously trying to figure him out. He's a skeleton right? But how? I guessed he notices me staring and bows then look up and asks," May I see your panties?"
"Knock it off!" Yells the women, I saw earlier, as she hits all three on the back of the heads. She walks over to me and grabs my hand, then starts to drag me into a room and closes the door. She sighs and looks at me curiously.
"I'm Nami! It's nice to meet"
"(Y/n)," You tell her.
"Well it's very nice to meet you (y/n)! Sorry about those three out there, we girls have to stick together! Now there's three of us!" She's says all excitedly and starts jumping up and down. I smile at her she seems sweet, has long orange hair, and a sweet smile.
" So here I'll help you get comfortable in your room," she says as she starts walking down the hallway. I nod my head and sling my duffel bag over my shoulder and reach down for my backpack. I notice it's not there, I frown and look around before remembering that I left it with Zoro.
"Um Nami?"
"Yeah," she calls over her shoulder.
"I kinda left my backpack with Zoro on deck."
"Why do you have two bags," she asks after she walks back to me. I take off my duffel bag and unzip it, showing her my dancing costumes.
"Wow these are really pretty," she picks up a blue sequiny dress.
"Thanks! They're my dancing costumes, and I put my clothes and toiletries in my backpack," I explain to with her with a sigh.
" Oh okay then, you stay here and I'll go get it for you!" Then she walks down the hall and opens a door I guess leads to the main deck. I lean against the wall before hearing screaming and shouts on deck.
I raise my eyebrow and then walk down the hall and open the door that Nami went through.
My eyes widen at what I see. Luffy is running around with my bra on his head wearing it like a hat, following him is Brooks holding my underwear, then Zoro wearing my now empty backpack. Or at least I thought it was empty until Zoro pulled out a bottle of sake from it. And the rest of my clothes littered the deck. Nami looked like she was trying to pick up my clothes but also kill them all at the same time.
I stood in the doorway with my mouth open like a fish gaping at the scene before me. Luffy stops and stares at me before laughing and running off again.
"NAMI-CHWAN! ROBIN-TWAN!" A weird noodle man came running out of another door above my on the upper deck holding some plates with delicious looking food on them. I turn my head back to the other four and start chasing Luffy around trying to get my bra back.
"Oh! What a lovely lady! Miss Beautiful! May I ask your name?"
My hand was suddenly being held by the weird noodle guy.
"Um...are you okay?" I ask him when I see him bleeding out of his nose,"Do you need to go to a doctor?"
"Oi! Ero-Cook! Knock it off she obviously doesn't like it, so just go back to flirting with the other girls." Zoro spoke, leaning against the mast.
Then suddenly the two were fighting, I went back to chasing Luffy, Nami was picking up my clothes and Brooks was singing a song and still holding my underwear.
Boy what a crazy crew!
"Party! Party! Party! Meat! Meat! Meat! Sanji! Make food! Sanji! Make food!"
After I got my clothes back and got comfortable in my room, Luffy, my new captain, decided to hold a party for me joining the crew.
It was fun! Lots of drinking and eating and dancing I taught everyone a few moves and they loved it. I also met the other straw hat crew, Robin, she's very mature and likes to read about the history of Countries/Places. Chopper a cute little deer, who ate a devil fruit and now he can turn into a man, but he's so cute in the in-between stage, he's also the ships doctor! And then there's Franky, the ships shipwright, he's also an inventor! He showed some of his moves but said mine were way better, he's also got some crazy hairstyles.
Everyone was laughing and eating on deck I was dancing with Luffy or at least trying too then suddenly he was switched with Zoro who was still quite sober even after drinking 20 bottles of sake!
"Meet me in the crows nest later tonight," He whispered in my ears as he pulled me closer. My cheeks instantly flushed red and I quickly nodded my head. We danced for a little bit longer until Sanji looked over at us and started a fight with Zoro. I laughed a little then went back to solo dancing for everyone and getting them happy too. I smiled at my new Nakama, Nakama I finally have Friends, I finally have family.
------------Later that Night--------
"Zoro? Zoro!? Zo-" A hand pulled me up into the crows nest and covered my mouth.
"Shh! (Y/n) do you really want them to catch us and bug is anymore?"
I blush and shake my head a little when I realize that it's Zoro. He then pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around my waist. I struggle a bit but his grip tightens and he smirks.
"I'm not going to let you go that easy," he says as a chill goes up my back.
To be continued!
YaaaY! Part three! Yahoo! I hope you enjoyed this! And thank you for reading these stories! Arigato!

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