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Warnings and stuff that will be mentioned:

Swearing, homophobia, uhhh I think that's it :D

So I wouldn't say I was ever really bullied until year 9 but I definitely struggled when I was a tiny year 6 youngling. 

I'm pretty sure I have explained this before but I wanna go into more depth.

So I am also gonna just go over what happened again bc I ain't remember what I said and didn't say.

So year 9.

I used to have DT on a Monday p5 and I swear we would be standing outside for a good bloody 15 minutes before we were allowed in.

My main issue was with this group of boys, Sammy, Zach and Kaiden were the main ones and they would usually just shout over that I'm gay for my "bsf".

(I am very much gay- I have a gf who is also my bsf :]] My gf is not this person being mentioned here. This is referring to katie which is why it is in speech marks :])

I didn't do anything about it because ig I thought it was normal? Or that it wasn't that serious.

Then one lovely day, I'm waiting outside w/ my bf (at the time) and I kid you not he was stood next to me as they shouted over that I am lesbian and a lot of rlly inappropriate stuff. He stood there- and said nothing.

Ok so that is issue 1.

Issue 2 is with a boy called William but he's just kinda known as Will.

We were using a software called 2d design to do some work yeah idk but I was trying out some stuff and he decided to come up to my work and say it looked like a fucking vagina- I really don't know whether to laugh or be upset at this but I took the 2nd option at the time. 

Guess who I was sat next to?! 

You guessed it, my bf!

And what did he do?


Tbh that's quite a small issue but then we go onto issue 3.


I don't think words can explain how much I fucking hate Jenna.

I had to sit next to her as well and tbh I can't remember exactly what she did other than join in with Will and be rude to me but I hate this bit.

So I go home and I'm like updating my parents on DT like I have been since sammy and his little twatty mates starting yelling stuff over and so my mum makes like a list idk and I had parents evening that exact week-

I don't know where the misunderstanding was but I think it was on my teachers side because like the next day, they were all called down to the BEST office in groups.

Somehow, they got it mixed up that jenna had been saying homophobic things to me as well. Let's just say Jenna didn't like this overly.

I had pe p1 and she's in my class along with Katie. 

That day was hell for me.

Literal fucking hell.

She told all of her friends that I had snitched on her and that she "literally couldn't even be homophobic because she's bi..."

I'm pe she stopped Katie and asked her if I had a brother in year 7 and to this day I hold this against Katie because she fucking replied.

If your bsf was being bullied by a girl and that girl asks you if they have a brother in a year, would you answer?

I'm lucky that she only said no because I do have a brother but he's in year 11.

She was spreading it in the lunch queue and I swear I have only cried at school ONCE since reception (it was bc I though I flunked my German speaking but I'd didn't so- and also it was bc Katie had literally fucking cheated but i still got a better mark so-) but I was on the verge of tears and my friend, Libby, is what we call a southie.

Basically our whole school has two sites, north and south, with building on them but in each year, the year group is split into 2.

The northies 

The southies 

I am a northie along with Katie and Jenna and everyone mentioned here

Libby is a southie

Northies have no lessons with southies.

Anyway this meant that Libby had no clue this happened bc I didn't see her until break but she came out of canteen and I told her abt it and she said that she had heard someone saying exactly what Jenna had been saying in the lunch queue (it was Jenna).

Then I got pulled out of geography and told to go BEST office before next period. 

Miss Thurling, I fucking hate you🫶

She is the BEST lady that took me out of class.

This woman kept interrupting me when I was trying to explain what had happened, then she blamed the bullying on hormones and Covid...

Yeah I hate her- literally if I ever have to go best again I will refuse to see her.

So she told me that she would have another talk with Jenna and tell her to lay off and quieten down a bit...

Before Christmas holidays my form seating plan got changed to register order again, I had to sit next to Jenna.

The first fucking thing she said was "omg are you comfortable sitting next to me bc I'm like homophobic and all."


Yeah I'm done talking abt that bitch-

I love u guysssss <3

- We Rolling With It <3

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