Social Media

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Warnings and stuff that will be mentioned:

Swearing, mentions of mental health, things about my parents.

Social media.

Everyone is on it nowadays.

I would just like to clarify first that social media can be a good thing.

However in some cases it isn't.

There are sooooo many social media platforms such as tik tok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and all sorts.

For me I watch whatever random ass videos come up on my fyp on tik tok and there is a large variety there.

But here is where my first problem lies.


I love reposts because for me they are a way to express how I am feeling to my friends without having to talk to them, which I struggle with.


If your friend reposts things, they come up on your fyp too.

And if you have a friend who is or even was always reposting suicidal videos, depressive videos, videos PROMOTING self harm, then that comes up on your fyp. And if you watch those videos, then they keep coming up because the algorithm think you like them.

I said in that first sentence that even if they aren't reposting those types of videos they can still come up for you because they have come up so much before and once again the algorithm thinks that u like those videos.

This has and is happening to me.

My friend has done all of the stuff that I have just said about.

I think that if you are a creator on tik tok then you need to be careful. Yes a lot of these videos are giving the creator somewhere to vent which can be good, gets it off your chest, but it then affects other people.


An interesting topic right there.

Don't get me wrong I love my parents but they seem to hate social media.

My own mother goes through Facebook reels.

Basically tik tok but on Facebook.

And I'm sure your parents do too.

But they don't seem to like me on tik tok so a couple of years ago they decided I was spending too much time on it, I was on there for about 3-4 hours a day and yes that probably is a bit too much, so they put a time limit for 2 hours on tik tok. 2 hours a day.

So I used up those 2 hours everyday. 

And let's just say they did not like that.

So the time limit comes down to 1 hour.

Unfortunately my behaviour didn't improve!!   (Maybe because I had a time limit and I used to get made fun of it because I was the only one? Just a thought :D)

So down it went to 30 minutes!!!!

One day my father got very angry and told me that "if my behaviour didn't improve then it would go down to 15 minutes, then 10 and then 5. He did not care how low it went." 

I might as well just say that I am not a loud kid! I am fucking silent unless you know me. I do not speak to teachers as they scare the shit out of me. So really it was my "behaviour" at home.

Social media is not all bad.

Please get that into your heads I beg of you.

Yes my mental health was shit 2022-2023 and yes social media may have played a role in that  BUT it is also the reason I am doing better now.

If I didn't have tik tok then I wouldn't have met someone who I used to be very close with but rn we are growing apart a bit but we are still friends.

If I didn't have Pinterest then I wouldn't have been able to get on here and meet all of you guys.

Because of you guys I am doing so much better now.

Thank you.

And guess what, that's because of social media.

Snapchat, I have two online friends on there, one from here and the other I just mentioned.

Discord, I have three online friends on there including my best friend.

Tik tok, I have two online friends on there are so many accounts that I interact with.

Everyone thinks social media is a dark place when it isn't, not all of it, you just have to get onto the right things and the right side.

Back to parents now.

Mine are currently thinking about putting an app called kidzlock on my phone.

This app will track EVERYTHING I do, every video I watch on tik tok, everyone I message, every fucking notification I get, they will see.

And you know what, that is fucking shit

It means I can't talk to my friends on Snapchat. I won't be able to get onto discord because I'm not even supposed to have it. Tik tok, I won't be able to watch videos anymore. 


 Because I watch dsmp, dream team, mcyt videos and no one knows I like them. This is for a reason. If they find out I will have the absolute piss taken out of me and be told to "grow up". They will laugh at me.

And I don't know what effect that will have on me yet.

Luckily I will, for now, still be able to get onto here as I haven't been caught yet!      (I work on my iPad :])

This is all because they think social media is having a bad effect on me because I usually go on my phone in another room and frankly it's fucked me off.

Please, respect their privacy if you have or ever have a child.

Yes if they are very very young or not a teenager yet then at least see if they are ok with you digging through their phone because that feeling of coming downstairs or your parents approaching you and asking you a question that makes you realise they have been through your phone is not a good one

My parents ruined my first relationship with a girl because I wasn't ready to tell them yet and they went through my phone so I broke up with her.

If they are a teenager, they want privacy. 

So fucking give it to them.

We don't want parents going through our phones, trust us and then let us know you will listen when we want to talk about things that are going on.

So my main points here are:

Be careful what you watch, not everything is good for you.

Not. All. Social. Media. Is. Bad.

Social media can help people.

Be open with your parents, talk to them about things.

And respect privacy.

Any questions you have, please ask them! :]]

- We Rolling With It <3

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