Part 18 - MOMENTS

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"Hurry up Anna"

"Shut up I'm doing my hair"

"And it takes this long!? What are you even doing?"

"Braids, so shut up"

Instead of Kimi shutting up i heard the bathroom door open, and he walked it and sat on the side of the bath looking at me.

"Hmm doesn't look that hard"

I turned to my side and gave him a glare. I learnt how to do plats when i was around 9 but braids are a whole different story. I suck a them, thats why i keep trying to do them. Makes total sense right!

"I like your outfit though"

"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself"

"You haven't even looked at my outfit!"

"I looked at you. Does that count?"

"No! Look, does it look good?"

I once again turned to face Kimi, still mid braid.

"Hmm its okay, like the pants though"

"Would I look better to you with no shirt?"

"No. You have a black shirt right?" He was wearing White shirt and black cargo pants. Not saying the white didn't look good just that black would look better.

"yeah, why?"

"Put that on, it will make your outfit look nicer"

"Okay miss fashionista" He said before walking out the bathroom.

Just as I had finished tying my second braid Kimi walked through the door again, In a black shirt this time.

He put his hands up to his sides "Does this look better?"

"Much better"

"alright now can we go now"

"Nick said he was going to knock on our door at 7 its... 6.55. Guess you have to wait a little longer"

"You have to be kidding me! Im so hungry!"

"Then have a snack"

We walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. I sat on the edge of the bed while Kimi stood in front of me.

"What now?"

"Im hungry"

"I literally just said grab a snack"

"But i don't want a snack i want real food"

"Then sit and wait 5 minutes"

It took me by surprise when i was dragged backwards on the bed, making me fall onto my back.

"Okay when I said sit i didn't mean drag me on top of you. How did you even get that idea?"

"But laying down is so much comfortable with you...although your back is bony so move" His hands moved me to the side of him. His arm resting on my shoulder.


"Oh come on I just got comfortable!"

"Deal with it, you can get your food now"

"Oh my god yes"

He practically jumped off the bed leaving my to fall back on the mattress. He opened the door to Nick and Jake. Mostly Nick, Jake was standing at the wall on his phone not paying attention.

I got up, grabbed my purse and the key card to the room and we left to go grab Arthur.


We found ourselves at a small restaurant down the road from the hotel. The five of us sat at a booth towards the back of the restaurant. I obviously ran to get the comfortable booth seat, Kimi quickly sitting beside me. Leaving the others to sit in the uncomfortable wooden seats on the other side of the table.

I ordered something different for once. Getting a beef burger. My inner child couldn't say no when I saw it on the menu.

"Watcha guys getting?"

Arthur was the first to speak "Pasta..."

"Hmm boring. Nick?

"Chicken salad wrap thingy"

"Eh okay. Jake?"

"I don't know. Chicken burger"

"Hmm okay. Kimi?"

"Eh Chicken salad roll thingy, might be simular to Nick's"

"You have good taste" Nick said.


After eating we spoke for a while. Having a laugh and talking about random topics.

We walked around the streets of Paris for a bit. The stars shining bright in the dark sky. The shops lights brighting up the streets. Many people still roaming around, enjoying the company of the people they were with. Just like us.

I was walking a bit further behind the group, just watching my brothers get a long with my new friends, its made my heart feel warm. Like I had chosen the right people. After all It's who you meet.

Kimi had noticed I was missing from the group and slowed down to walk along beside me.

"Why are you walking by yourself?"

"Just taking in the moment"

I felt his hand wrap around waist.

"Then you can take in the moment with me too"

I laughed at him "sure"

We kept walking for a while until we went back to our hotel to rest up. Nick had a match tomorrow so he was the one how needed rest the most.

Once we got back, I showered, and then I jumped onto the bed. Ready for sleep to engulf me.

I was just about asleep when I felt arms wrap around my waist pulling my into his chest.

His hand drawing random shapes on my hip.

Authors note
Hope this chapter was okay
Tried to make this chapter better than the last
Any errors will tried to be fixed before published if not than let me know!

Any criticism on my writing for it to improve, let me know!

Side note
I finished the many bags of number 3 on the Mclaren f1 lego
Wish me luck on finding motivation on bags 4😃

905 Words
Buongiorno o buonanotte

IT'ᔕ ᗯᕼO YOᑌ ᗰEET, Kimi Antonelli Where stories live. Discover now