T h i r t y - t h r e e

146 5 0

13th April 2021

Billie's POV

The reunion brings everyone to tears buts is there more that meets the eye.

Dating or friends? Maybe both.

Is it this the end of Eilish's career now she's been seen with perhaps her future lover?

I scrolled through my phone and this is all that I was tagged in. Why do people care? Wouldn't they be happy that I've found someone that makes me happy? Apparently not. I suppose they would only be happy if I was with the opposite gender.

I turned my phone off putting it back on the hotel bedside table before rolling over and bringing El's head more on my chest and kissing her forehead "we have to wake up angel" I spoke softly and she groaned.

"I'll give you 5 minutes to wake up" I kissed her forehead one more time before grabbing the clothes that I prepared the night before and opening the bathroom door completely forgetting shark was in there. "Shark here" i whisper yelled trying to give El the time i promsied however shark did the opposite and jumped straight on her.

I picked him up which was really easy because of how small he is and apologised again before bringing him into the bathroom with me. i got dressed and brush my teeth and hair before walking into the room to wake up sleepy beauty who is somehow still asleep. "Angel you need to wake up we have an interview to get to" I whispered while stroking her hair as she opened her eyes.

She doesn't say anything but nestled her head into my chest making me chuckle. After a couple of minutes she sits up pecks my lips and then walks into the bathroom with her outfit that she planned last night.

I wouldn't even say that I've got use to the hate/negativity but El has never received anything like that so I'm scared that people are going to find her social media and start dm'ing the stuff that I use to read.

As she comes out all my thoughts come back, well only one. Jesus fucking Christ she's hot. With her black button up with her black chinos  omfgggg.

I got up from the bed and walked towards her bringing her into a hug "Jesus Christ, you look stunning" I whispered into her ear and I felt a kiss on my neck in return.

We left shortly after and met my mom, dad, Finn and Claudia in the love and headed to the interview. The interview is only supposed to go on for 20 minutes so afterwards we have planned to go go-karting and then going for a dinner since I don't have a show tonight.

We parked up and already there was flashing lights and people yelling out for me. Straight away I grabbed onto El's hand making she is safe and walked past them ignoring all their questions like my manager has told me to do.

Once we got in the building, I made sure everyone is okay even tho that's not my job and then followed the corridor to the room that I'm guessing we are doing to the interview in.

"Miss Eilish its great to meet you" a woman in her late 20s said walking from the camera to me with her hand out. I shook her hand and said likewise. This is my first proper interview I don't know what I am suppose to be doing. I don't even like the formality of Miss but I don't want to seem rude.

She went through the plan and told everyone to sit on the multiple sofas that were behind the camera and me to sit in the left chair that was in front of the camera.

The interview went like any standard interview I have watched. I introduce myself and then they ask various amount of questions and I sit their and answer them to the best of my ability. That was until the question I knew that I was going to be asked was said "at your last show you were seen with what seems to be a very good friend but everyone wants to know are you anything more?"I chuckled slightly and smiled

"Yeah that was Eleanor. She's like my best friend and it was actually Finn that planned for her to come out to surprise since I thought she was still in LA. Are we anything more? Not right now. I love El to my core I just wouldn't want to lose that type of friendship" I looked over to El and she had a kind of sad look but as soon as she saw me looking she smiled. I really hope I didn't hurt her feelings.

The interview didn't last that much longer thankfully and we got to go back to the rental. Ever since I said that we were just friends she doesn't seem like her usual happy self. I would have love to say that we were in a relationship but technically we aren't. We agreed on being unlabelled so we aren't putting too much pressure on ourselves.

I held her hand walking to the rental but I could feel she didn't even want to hold my hand. Guarantee if I tried to hold her hand in the building we wouldn't be holding hands now. I just don't think she wanted to cause a scene infront of the paparazzi.

We pulled up to the go kart place and there was either single or double karts. Which I said we should go in the doubles because there was 6 of us but El said she wanted to be in her own one so I just agreed to do singles.

We all got the balaclava's on and watched the video before putting on the overalls and helmet. We all got into a car and waited for the light turn from red to green. I was in the third car meaning I'm gonna have to gain speed to over take everyone and win.

As soon as the light turned red we all drove off. It was actually really fun and I may of got told off multiple times for going to fast but I just flipped them off in return. We were in the final lap and im second. El was miles away from me somehow so no matter how hard I tried I came second. We all pulled into the pits and then got out of the kart once it was safe and going into the little changing room to change back to our normal clothes.

El walked away from all of us practically running to the changing rooms which we all exchanged worried looks. I walked after her but I didn't want to be right behind her. As I opened the door she was at the sink washing her face. She glanced up slightly for me to see mascara stained on her cheeks. I walked over to her clearly worried.

"Please can I just have a minute to myself" she said Calmly turning around so I couldn't see her face. I agreed and walked over to the locker trying to figure out why is she crying. I mean was she really upset about the whole interview or is something else upsetting her.

Everyone else walked in glancing at me and then El seeing that we are opposite sides of the room. If anything that made everything more awkward as we changed in complete silence with a couple of sniffles coming from El.

Before we walked out I walked to El and she said to leave her alone a bit longer so I walked out the room with Finn and dad leaving mom and Claudia in there.

-1294 words

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