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Unknown town

I ran so much that i don't know where I'm am.and I tried to get some service for my phone but no luck.

I saw some people and went up to them to ask where the hell I am.

HZ: hi uh do you know where we are rn? Or do you have a map that can help me?
UK(unknown): oh yeah. We are in a small town called Hanau, Germany!
HZ: thank you!
UK: no problem

Okay so she gave me a map and it looks like I'm not too far from Frankfurt. But I don't want to go back.because that's where his cheated. But whatever I guess.

I decided that I was going to stay here for the night because I don't want to go back rn. I will probably just get harps to get my things because I don't want to go back.

But oh boy I'm I tried. So I slept.

10:49 am Feb 19,2007

Omgg I just woke up for the most best sleep I have ever gotten in a long time. I got some breakfast and just sat there. Thinking. This town seems nice! Maybe I can make some friends here.

I went out of my little hotel because if I wanted friends I had to get out and socialize. (Ofc)

I went out side and saw a lot of nice looking girls that looked nice. Maybe they would want to be my friend.

HZ: uh hi I'm new here I was wondering if you could give me a tour?
UK: oh yeah sure.

She showed me around and she was pretty nice to me. And she told me her name! Her name is Dior.

D: so yeah that's a little tour of this town!
HZ: Tysm ! Maybe we can hang out sometime soon!
D: I would love that!
HZ: okay see you soon!

Yay I made one friend here so far! I'm very excited to hang out with her soon! She is like really nice.

Not that soon after so like 4:40 pm

After me and Dior became friend I met some of her friends and now I'm in their friend group which was good because I have friends here and maybe these friends they can keep me from thinking of Tom or just maybe just forget him.

I ate my dinner early because I was reallyyy tried from today so yeah!

After I ate I  took a shower and did skin care and got ready for bed REALLY  early but that's okay i guess.

Before I went to sleep I couldn't stop thinking about harps. She probably thinks I not doing okay but it's okay because I will see her soon I think.


Okay so I did this on my iPad because my phone is died but yeah. This was short butttt I hopes that's okay! Anywho I'm like really busy with school so yeah and I'm failing In 3 subjects so I'm going to try to get better grades so I might not be posting.and sorry if there are like really bad spelling on here I'm not use to typing on here 😭
  -Ansley 🎀

Date: 2/19/24
Year for next chapter:2007

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