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felix's pov;

"what is up with you and chan's cousin" he asks, though the question feels more like a statement. "you're too close" i hear the jealousy in his voice.

"minho, you're the one who told me you didn't want to be together" i look away from his cold gaze. "im moving on with life, you gotta give me a straight answer or move on" i push past him and back to the bar.

"hey lixie" jeongin smiles at me while drinking his drink, straw in hand. i lean over the counter and take the other straw, only having a small sip. "when do you finish"

"got another hour then we can go back to mine" the younger nods, putting his drink down and going on his phone. "chan, you ok there?" i rest my elbows on the counter, my head in palms.

chan, even with being the oldest, cannot handle alcohol. with the shot he did earlier and most likely being forced to try everyone's drink is too much. "yeah, so tired"

i turn to seungmin, an evil smirk on his face. i shake my head at him. "well me and the big baby are gonna head home, i'll message when im home" i nod and wave goodbye at them.

"lix, me and sung may bounce too" i look to hyunjin and jisung. their hair messy and jisung doesn't even notice me there. i give the older of the two a look which he blushes from. "we will text when home"

flustered hyunjin drags his boyfriend out the club. leaving me, jeongin, changbin and minho. great. "felix!" my boss calls for me. hongjoong smiles at me. "you're in charge of music also pour me a shot just had to deal with a bitch"

i laugh while pouring the shot, handing it to the man before going on my phone, deciding to start my music set with i am by ive. my manager gives me a look. "fine no ive" i say to him as i walk to jeongin and hand him my phone. "you're in charge of music"

i walk back over to my boss. "new boy?" he looks to jeongin who's putting songs into a queue. "good, absolutely hated minho" i gasp at the older. "what he's so mean to you at least this one seems nicer"

"you weren't nice to minho either" i try defend the older lee. "plus you and woo said we looked cute so youre clearly lying about one of the statements"

"me and woo lied, you two looked bad together" he says in a casual tone. "ok you looked good he sucked" he was going to continue his minho slander session but gets called by a rude customer. "sorry lix see you"

i walk back to jeongin. "what was that" he asks while putting my phone down. i take the rest of his drink and give him a free replacement. "oooo free drink" he smiles.

"my manager" i hold onto the younger's hand. "you've been approved" he holds onto my smaller hand. my songs finishes and jeongin's choices started playing, upbeat and danceable. "im technically off shift right now, i can't leave until the end of the hour"

"so what you saying is shots?" he smiles, knowing that my boss just did one i can easily get away with it. i pour us two each of strong cherry vodka, an opened monster to the side ready for the after taste.

"you're on yang" i give him a smile before taking one of the two shots. almost gagging after, following with the other. i down a few big sips of the energy drink to get the taste out my mouth. "a dance?"

he does his shots and finishes the can. "with you, of course" he let's go of my hand and let's me out the bar, holding my hand again to lead me to the dance floor. i glance over at minho and changbin before jeongin pulls me to his chest.

"minho was questioning me earlier" jeongins eyebrows furrow, his hand on my hip the other brushing in my hair. i lean up to my hands on his shoulders. "just asked what's up with us"

"he's looking directly at us" i choose not to look back. "changbin has now also turned to us" i cringe. he leans down to me, knowing our position it must've looked like a kiss. "sorry thought to add some spice"

he winks and stands up again. "wow, come into our group chat and causes issues" i laugh. he smiles at me. "starting to like you innie" i pause, realising not being straightforward is what went wrong before. "romantically"

he continues to smile. we have to stay close to hear eachober. "me too" he moves his hand from my hair to my cheek. "in all honesty i only wanted to meet chan's friends because i saw a group picture and thought you were cute"

i laugh at jeongin's confession. "you're so cute" i take my phone out my pocket and smile. "im officially off shift, how about a shot each then back to mine? we can stop by a shop for snacks" he agrees and i leas him to the bar.

wincing as i notice minho and changbin sitting there. "lix you're free" my manager comes back, hoongjoon messes my hair up. "and you are?" he asks jeongin.

"jeongin" he responds with a short answer. "ive heard ive been approved" he smiles at the older as i pour me and him shots, leaving a spare for hoongjoon.

"sassy, i like it" i hand jeongin and my manager a shot. we all take it and i take my phone off the system. dropping into the back room to get my coat. "bye lix, see you next week" i wave as i steal two monsters.

we walk to where minho's sitting. "hey min, bin" they turn to me. changbin with with neutral face while minho gives jeongin a small glare before turning to me. "we're going, just wanted to say bye"

"text me when you get home lixie" minho smiles, as if our little confrontation didn't happen earlier. i nod and we leave the club, with the late night hours of friday i notice more and more line up ready to club.

"not sure a club was the best place to first ever meet the group" jeongin holds onto me. "hyunjin and jisung spent most of the time kissing eachover but they seem nice, changbin was also ok but he was just following minho around" jeongin let's go of my hand and puts his arm over my shoulder. "minho annoyed me"

i end up laughing at jeongins final comment. "well luckily for us minho's opinion doesn't matter" i lean my head against the younger. "plus now we can watch youtube in my bed"

"you send more excited for your bed rather than me being there" i laugh and jokingly looks away. "lix" he whines out, playfully hitting my shoulder.

we get to the campus and get into the accommodation, jeongin following behind me. "you love me innie" i smile at him, he almost instantly forgives my bed preference.

"yeah" he says, a soft smile.

a confession?!!! woah!

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