Chapter 13: Deafening Silence

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———B E N E D I C T———

Asher and I made little to no conversation throughout the day.

He stopped staring at me, stopped sneaking glances in my direction, he even turned on his back so he wasn't facing me anymore.

I raised my hand to cover my mouth as a yawn escaped my lips, rubbing my temple after in annoyance because my wolf continued to scold me for upsetting our mate.

Asher didn't look upset though, he looked bored.

When he wasn't sleeping, he was lying on his back as he stared up at the ceiling.

I bit the inside of my mouth as I leaned back in the uncomfortable chair, my eyes staying on Asher as he laid comfortably in the hospital bed.

He was literally just stabbed a couple days ago- He's not comfortable, dumbass I rolled my eyes at Theo's words, deciding not to argue with him at the moment because he's still mad I haven't accepted Asher.

Asher didn't seem to be in pain anymore even though he's not completely healed yet. I'm assuming he's at least somewhat okay because he continues to move around on the bed every now and then.

I shifted in my spot on the uncomfortable chair, letting out a breath of air as I tapped my fingers on the arms of the chair.

My phone had died a few hours after Beatrix and I brought Asher to the pack doctor so it's been dead for about 4 days.

My phone dying left me sitting here in an uncomfortable silence with my mate without anything to do.

Beatrix left me alone with Asher shortly after we arrived to the rarely used hospital. My pack heals quickly, like all werewolves in packs, so the pack hospital is usually only used for injuries that were caused by silver, checkups, help with pregnancies, or injuries that are too bad to heal without extra help. Those injuries usually occur after fights with other packs or with rogues. Strangely, not many of my pack members were injured by Asher's pack.

Beatrix had left about an hour after we arrived, making me promise not to kill Asher before leaving me with him.

Beatrix had apologized a few times to Asher's unconscious body for bringing him to a nurse who apparently had done nothing to help him before saying goodbye to the two of us and walking out the door.

It took an hour for my sister to leave us, her eyes filled with guilt as she explained why I was the one who had to stay with him.

She claimed that I should be the one to stay with him because I was his mate and would make him feel slightly more comfortable as he got better.

I only laughed at her reasoning for me staying and her going but my laughter soon grew quiet when she explained another reason for me staying and her going.

My sister kept her explanation short but she said that one of us would have to go up and watch the pack with my beta because it would be unfair to throw everything onto him.

She made sure to be careful with her words, explaining to me that she thought one of us could stay here with Asher while the other worked with my beta. She even added 'so one of us could make sure everything was running smoothly in the pack' like I was a child who wasn't listening to begin with.

I had to admit that her reasonings were good, making my beta take control of everything was just cruel. Plus, I trusted my sister enough to have her help him. I just didn't like that I had to deal with Asher until his wound healed.

But I was his mate and I suppose my presence would comfort him.

I didn't have much choice in the matter anyway so I didn't exactly bother to argue with my sister. Beatrix always finds a way to make things go in her favor.

I knew she wanted me to end up with Asher, and no matter how many times I told her that nothing would be going to happen between the two of us, she still somehow thinks I'll declare my love for my rogue mate.

She's not the only one who thinks you should get with Asher Theo grumbled, making a sigh escape through my lips as I went headfirst into my own thoughts.

We lived in an all- werewolf town, which did come in handy from time to time. We didn't have to worry about humans finding out about us, we could just simply exist and not have to hide.

Different doctors and nurses came to check on Asher numerous times throughout the days he was unconscious and three different nurses already came to check on him while he was awake, all at different times of course.

Plus, during the time Asher was unconscious, at 6 am, 12:30 pm, and 6:30 pm, a girl came by to drop off food for me. I assume she's bringing food for both of us soon since it was almost dinner time and Asher is now awake. He missed breakfast and lunch today and breakfast, lunch, and dinner the past few days so he must be starving.

She was always smiling and trying to make jokes around me.

I recognized her from training and assumed she just wanted to make a good impression on her alpha but as the days passed, she got more talkative and more touchy. It was weird.

She always commented about how noble it is of me to watch him to make sure he's healing correctly.

I almost started laughing when she first told me I was a good person for watching him.

I didn't agree with anything she said because watching the unconscious boy was easy. All I had to do was sit in a chair and make sure he's breathing as he sleeps, I don't think that makes me a good person or 'noble'.

I ate and slept in the chair beside his bed, my eyes sometimes studying the other empty hospital beds in the large white room.

When he woke up, he stared at me in wonder before we actually started to talk to each other.

When all that left my mouth was insults, he went quiet before staring up at the ceiling with tired eyes.

I somehow felt bad as he turned away from me, but still found the fact that he was still tired funny.

My mate folded his hands over his stomach, tapping on his skin as if he was counting to keep himself busy.

He stared at the ceiling like his eyes were glued to it, not bothering to move them at all.

Now all there was between us, was a deafening silence.


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