Chapter 3: Destined To Bleed

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———A S H E R———

We walked through miles and miles of woodland before I noticed men and women walking with guns in their hands, all of them walking in a straight line, following whoever was in front of them before turning around to go the other way.

We all stopped when we saw the warriors, studying them before covering our bodies with the plant we usually used if we needed to mask our scents.

We went unnoticed by them, all of us hiding behind trees or crouching behind plants a few feet away.

I studied a woman who was currently walking in front of me. Her hair was pulled back into a bun and she wore black leggings paired with a black tank top.

She seemed more than ready to take on anything.

I looked away from the intimidating woman, my eyes darting from one warrior to another to another.

There were warriors everywhere, all of them wearing black clothing and holding a gun.

Although, I wouldn't doubt that they had other weapons hidden in other places on their muscular bodies.

" There's too many " Adam turned to look at me, speaking in a low and quiet voice so the warrior's couldn't hear us. " I'm going to tell the others we have to leave "

I nodded, my eyes soon darting back to the line of warriors protecting their Alpha's land.

" Get ready to die " I heard a voice say, the tone of the voice practically leaking arrogance.

I watched as all of the warriors turned to us, growls now escaping all of their mouths as they discovered us.

" Shit " I heard Adam curse, his eyes darting to Ryan who had said the idiotic sentence in the first place.

Ryan was standing now, his arms crossed as he ignored the irritation filled look Adam was sending him.

Some of the warriors started to change into their wolf form, the others staying in their human form while holding a gun at us.

" Do you have a death wish? " Adam gritted his teeth as he stared at Ryan.

Ryan rolled his eyes before running towards the line of warriors.

The rest of us all stepped out of our hiding spots, most of us shifting.

I heard guns firing as I finally shifted, running towards the war we caused.

I fought with another shifted wolf, my eyes sometimes darting to other members of my pack before focusing back on the shifted wolf who was getting ready to kill me.

An older woman, from my pack, was battling a girl way younger than her, both of them in human form.

Her name was Stella, she was one of the oldest and strongest woman in Jacob's pack but the younger girl had landed more punches than her.

I noticed Ryan was battling a shifted wolf and was failing miserably at the task of hopefully beating whoever they were.

Another man from my pack was currently battling another man, both of them in human form, but the man from my pack seemed to have a lot more injuries.

I growled as I realized we had no chance of getting past them alive.

I focused my attention back on the shifted wolf in front of me, their canines extended and their eyes glowing a bright yellow while mine glowed a dark red.

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