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Life has been quiet again, all that really mattered to me was the boy I've spent every day with.

(2) has been silent, and nobody has heard from them.

(1), Shoko, Geto and I have just been together during all hours of the school day.

"Do you want to go to the aquarium?" he suddenly asked me as he came to a halt.

"Yeah, let's go." I got closer to him and pecked him on the lips.


We both entered the aquarium and it wasn't busy, which made it better for both of us to watch the sea life without others being in the way.

The many different kinds of fish attracted us to multiple tanks and we just watched in awe as these creatures lived a completely separate life from us.

We walked into the jellyfish exhibition holding hands and we stayed there for long.

Mirrors covered both walls as it was completely dark aside from the tanks illuminated by different colour lights.

It was peaceful, it was beautiful too.

Geto squeezed my hand as we watched the jellyfish gracefully glide inside the water.

After being stuck in a trance watching the jellyfish we finally met the large pelagic tank, filled with ocean fish and even a large whale shark.

Nobody was around us, and it was just quiet.

I watched in awe while Geto nervously kept his eyes on me.

"Y/n," he called out and I turned to face him with a smile.

He looked nervous and kept his right hand in his pocket while he used his left to have our fingers intertwined.

"What's wrong?" I got closer to him as he averted his gaze from me.

"These last few weeks, maybe even a month now have felt incredible. Never would I have thought a woman would have this effect on me and I really am stuck under your touch."

I smiled at him and let him continue.

"Maybe I should have asked sooner...but do you want to be my girlfriend?" he smiled at me softly.

My whole world came to a halt as he asked me the question.

This has been the only question
I've ever wanted to hear.

I've had this crush on Geto for months,
maybe even years.

And only until a couple of
weeks ago did we really connect.

I've always wanted to be his girlfriend.

So yes Geto,
I will be your girlfriend.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." I smiled at him and he engulfed me in a big hug.

The only thing watching us was the whale shark that swam past us, and it all felt magical.

He brought me in for a kiss, holding me close to him.

He pulled away and we stared at each other for a while and now I can finally see so much more in his eyes than what I used to be able to see.

"I got this for you." he took his right hand out of his pocket and pulled out a silver necklace.

It was gorgeous and I let him put it on me, and once it finally landed on my neck he kissed me once more.

"My girl." he smiled.

"Your girl."


only 30 chapters later guys!!

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