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I'M WALKING OVER TO GOJO'S HOUSE BY MYSELF, and I can't help but feel excited about what might happen.

I'm dressed nicely, but not too over the top.

I knock on the door, waiting patiently for Gojo to answer.

The party hasn't officially begun since I've arrived early, but I arrived early because I was specifically asked to.

Gojo opened the door and smiled widely when he saw me and let me in.

"Geto is in the bathroom right now, and Shoko will be here soon." the white-haired man walked in front of me.

"What about (1) and (2)?" I inquired.

"They will be coming on time, don't worry you won't be alone Y/n." he joked.

A feeling bubbles in my stomach over the thought of being specifically asked to come early.

"Why did you ask me to come early?" I asked him as I fiddled with something on one of the tables.

"I don't know...I guess I could say I wanted to get to know you?" he laughed awkwardly.

Oh god, why did he have to say that...if only Geto said that to me instead of him.

"I didn't get to know you very well during my school time and I thought it would be a good time to actually catch up." he sat down on one of the chairs nearby.

"Well, you were occupied with your own friends and extra murals."

"Well I mean you are good friends with (1) and (2), so it's only nice for me to get along with their good friend." he laughed.

Geto came out of the bathroom and saw Gojo talking with me and ended up sitting in the kitchen on his phone.

"You are quite close with (2), I don't understand how because they just slut shame you the whole time." I joke.

"I guess that is their trait, but I mean that's what I like about them. They call me out on my bullshit." he shrugs.

"Lots of bullshit to call you out on when golfing that's for sure." I giggle.

"God they can't fucking shut up while golfing." he groaned into his palms.

The door opened and Shoko walked through, greeting everyone.

She walked over to the kitchen to drag Geto to the lounge and make him sit down with all of us.

"Well I have to go get ready, I'll meet you down here when everyone is over." Gojo gets up and heads to his bedroom, leaving me and Shoko to talk while Geto still sits on his phone.


Hours have passed and it's now deep into the night, I've had a drink or two and have been talking with my friends, trying to ignore the obvious in front of me.

Geto is sitting with two girls at his side, all over him.
And he's just loving it, he's laughing and he's definitely having his way.

Nobody lied about his behaviour at social events, and I can definitely tell why people call him a slut.

I walk over to the kitchen by myself to get another drink and I stand there for a while, basking in the normal light for once.

I hear footsteps approach me and I feel them close to me.

"Y/n...right?" he laughs awkwardly.

I turned to face him and there he was.

Long black hair with gauges in his ears.

"Yeah...Y/n." I smiled at him.

"I know I don't really talk to you much at school or anything...but would you maybe want to take this upstairs?" he chuckled confidently as he brushed his hand on mine.

Alarms went off in my head, knowing that this was so wrong of me to do. But I have to do it, it's my only chance with him.


ONE OF THE GIRLS || GETO SUGURU ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora