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GETO AND I WALKED IN TOGETHER, nervous about how (2) would react once they saw me again.

But to our surprise, (2) wasn't in the group, it was just (1) and Shoko.

"Morning you two, where's (2)?" I asked both of them.

"They never joined us, they just walked straight past us without even greeting." (1) looked a bit upset.

"I don't know what to do, I feel bad for saying the things I did." I sighed and Geto put his arm around for comfort.

"I think they needed to be said regardless, (2) can't get away with treating people like shit," Shoko added.

"I think I need to talk to Gojo." I looked for their approval and they all nodded in agreement.


Geto had extra curricular activities after school and so I waited for him to be finished so we could go to Gojo's house together.

Geto and I entered Gojo's house and we sat down to have dinner with him.

"How weird was yesterday? (2) was being so rude." he chuckled as he picked at his food.

"That's why we're here really," I said nervously.

"Oh? (2) did have a bit of a mouthful about you, and I defended you as much as I could." Gojo said.

"I had a fight with them in the bathrooms yesterday and by the sounds of it they don't like the fact that I've become friends with you guys."

"It was inevitable, (2) can't gatekeep us." Gojo laughed at the comment.

"Maybe they're possessive over us because you're better looking?" Geto snickered.

"(2) would always talk about how weird it was that you two became so close, they don't like that you don't take shit anymore," Gojo told us.

"Those exact words?" I asked him.

"No, they said that you're much more confrontational and stand your ground, which makes you harder to walk over."

"So they admitted to walking over me?" I looked shocked.

"Suguru and I both knew how you were before you became friends with us. You were shy and quiet, it was an attractive attribute about you, but now you've actually opened up and become comfortable, which makes you more desirable." Gojo explained.

Geto gave him a glare due to him calling me attractive and desirable.

"Didn't know you guys were dating." he giggled at us.

We both looked at each other, red in the face.

"You don't become jealous of someone unless you really like them or are dating them." he teased us.

"I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be back." Geto got up and kissed my head as he walked to the bathroom.

Gojo waited for the door to close before beginning another conversation.

"I think Suguru likes you." Gojo looked happy.

"We are pretty close..."

"Close friends don't kiss each other and call each other by first name and pet name."

"I really like him, I've liked him for a while and I haven't told anyone that." I smiled while thinking about him.

"Have you guys gone further than kissing?" he asked me.

"No...not yet."

"Very unlike him, he would go way further with other girls on the first night. He's definitely taking you seriously."

I smiled at his words and got up to meet with Geto once he got back from the bathroom.

"Hello my girl." he chuckled as I hugged him with my arms wrapped around his neck and his hands on my waist.


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