𝒇𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓

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faye and bloom stood next to each other as bavani sealed them in.

"i'm sorry neither of you had a fairy mother who could understand you." she removed the bracelets off of faye and bloom's arms with her magic. "who could teach you to control your magic, or even tell you that you had it." she glanced at faye. 

"me too." bloom said sadly, her eyes staring at a wall. 

a barrier slowly formed around faye and bloom.


silva was looking around for riven, also while having to tell everyone to gear up and continue to supply solaria.

he eventually found him. "riven." silva caught his attention. 

riven already knew what had happened by the look on his face. "she's gone isn't she?"

"they put her in stasis." silva swallowed. "for twenty years."

riven looked at his girlfriend's father with sadness. "i'm- i'm sorry."

silva pulled riven into a hug, and gently patted his back. "this isn't your fault son. it never was."

the two pulled away and riven had a pained look on his face which broke silva's heart. "how's her mum doing?"

silva shook his head. "not good, at all. her and faye just got each other back and diane has lost her daughter again."

riven nodded sadly. "i can't-" his chest rose and fell quickly, tears in his eyes. "i love her so much i always will, i'll wait for her even if she doesn't want me to."

"stella said the last thing she said was that she would always love you. she knows how much you love her, everyone does." silva sadly smiled

"is there any shit that needs doing? i need to get my mind off of all this."

"so. the solarians found sebastian's hideout. a few hours from here. bavani doesn't trust the army to make a covert move. but she does however trust us." silva explained, trying to help riven get his mind off of losing faye. 

"we're attacking?" the boy asked. 

"yeah. our job is to take them out. end this war before it begins, okay?"


as faye was in stasis, she felt like she couldn't move, but her mind was still running at a thousand miles an hour just as it always did. she thought of her moments with riven, his voice was etched into her brain but she was still afraid she would forget it. she could still hear him telling her he loved her. a stream of tears began to go down faye's face, until she felt a warmth wiping her tears away. 

she slowly opened her eyes breathing shakily. faye saw dowling in front of her, and all her friends behind dowling. faye glanced at bloom quickly to see her eyes were also open.

"miss dowling?" bloom asked, faye was in too much shock to speak.

"hello, bloom. hello, faye." the woman smiled. 

faye ran to the woman and hugged her tightly.


𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍 | riven | fate: the winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now