𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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"i feel bad that the first time i met your mum was her seeing me angry, holding someone against a tree." riven said as he lay in faye's bed.

"honestly it could've been worse." faye giggled softly. "she knows how much you love me, riv. so does my dad, you know that."

riven let out a quiet laugh. "true, but he probably hates me, it's like a universal thing for dads to hate their daughter's boyfriends."

"riv!" faye gently slapped riven's arm. "my dad adores you, don't be so silly."

"your dad is pretty cool." riven nodded his head. "i see where you get it from."

faye rolled her eyes. "i'm way cooler than my dad, that man is in his forties."

"exactly. old guys are funny, he tells dad jokes."

"i'm gonna tell him you said he was old, he won't love you then." faye giggled pulling out her phone.

"oh, shit." riven muttered, trying his hardest not to laugh.

"sent." faye chirped, a proud smile on her face. "oh, he already replied."

"what did he say?" riven asked trying to see faye's phone, she showed riven the screen. "no longer my son-in-law, hashtag disowned."

the two burst out into a fit of laughter.

"faye!" a shout was heard from outside her door. "it's stella."

faye groaned, giggles still leaving her mouth. "yes?"

"we're ready." stella said, her footsteps moving away from her room.

faye took in a breath. "i'll see you later, riv." she smiled kissing the boy on the cheek.

"what are you guys up to now?" he asked.

"nothing that concerns you, now go." faye looked over at her door and then back at the door.

"don't die." he said sternly.

"i'll try, promise." she smiled.


the girls began moving the furniture in the living room so the girls had enough space to all sit together, faye helped terra roll up the ridiculously large rug, while stella, aisha and flora moved the sofas.

musa and bloom entered the suite, looking around bloom spoke. "redecorating?" she asked.

"sorry. we needed a bit more room for musa's convergence ceremony." aisha told her.

"my con- what ceremony?" the girl asked in utter confusion. bloom patted her shoulder and aisha held a box in her hand.

"actually, before we, umm..." terra spoke, clicking her tongue. "before we start that, uh, we haven't all been in the same room for a few days." the girls all looked towards terra stopping what they were doing.

"now that we are, ive got an announcement." terra spoke, nervousness taking over her. "it's nothing bad or weird. i mean, maybe it is weird. i don't think it's weird. uh, also, like, its, um... it's not a big deal." she stuttered.

faye wondered why the poor girl was so nervous, like the girls in her suite weren't her best friends.

"it is a big deal to me, but i don't need a celebration or a cake. not that you'd get a cake. um..."

flora walked over to her cousin, placing her hand on the fairy's arm.

terra exhaled sharply. "so, um..." she paused again. "im gay." she finally said, making faye break out into a smile. "there's always a part of me that's known i was gay, and now im sharing that part of me with you. uh, so kindly adjust your perceptions of me accordingly."

faye tilted her head slightly. "terr."

"uh... cool, okay, so, um, i need to move this carpet, so if someone could give me a hand with that." terra began moving the carpet, stella and faye stopped her immediately.

"terra." stella said, walking over to the girl, hugging her tightly.

faye quickly went over joining into the hug, and seconds later all the girls were tightly huddled together.

terra chuckled emotionally. "oh, this is really nice actually."

"i suppose, you know, this means we're your official wing-women now." stella told the girl.

musa moved her shoulders up and down. "yeah, we're gonna snag you a lady."

terra smiled. "oh, snagging a lady's a heteronormative paradigm i'm not certain i ascribe to."

faye's head rested on musa's shoulder. "oh really?" faye glanced at flora.

"i'm sure you already have your eye on someone." she agreed with faye.

the rest of the girls looked shocked. "who?" bloom asked.

"we need some popcorn." musa smiled.

"do we know her" aisha asked.

"you do realise i will need approval." stella said seriously.

"i think we're forgetting why we're here. this isn't a coming-out party." terra waved her hands in the air. "this is a musa-and-her-magic party, so let's all maybe just start on that."

"a musa-and-her-what party?" musa asked, "uh... can... can we just track back? what's... what's the party for me."

"musa my sweet girl, shush." faye grinned, squeezing the mind fairy's shoulder.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍 | riven | fate: the winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now