𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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faye stood in shock, shutting her eyes tightly silently praying this wasn't a dream. "please tell me my brain isn't fucking with me right now." she spoke.

"what have i told you about that language, young lady." her mum shook her head with a laugh, walking towards her daughter.

"oh my, god." faye whispered, running towards the woman and pulling her into a tight hug. "i didn't think it worked."

"you're my daughter, faye. of course, it worked, it just took some time." diane said to faye.

"dad is gonna be so happy, oh my god we need to go now!" faye took her mum's hand pulling her through the forest and back towards the school.


faye and diane were just outside the school, her mother paused for a moment.

"mum? what's up?" faye asked, turning round to the woman.

"just nervous, sweetheart. i haven't seen your dad in seventeen years, what if he has moved on?" diane asked.

"trust me, he hasn't moved on. he misses you every day. it will all be okay." faye hugged her mum tightly. "he loves you so much and has never stopped."

"you truly are mine and your father's daughter, you are such a sweet and caring girl, faye. i am so proud of you." her mum spoke as she held her daughter tighter.

"let's go, you don't understand how happy he's going to be, i texted him earlier he's in his office." faye took diane's hand taking her to her father's office.

soon after they arrived at silva's office, faye knocked on the door.

"come in." he spoke.

faye looked at her mother with a smile and opened the door.

"hey, dad." faye said nervously.

silva didn't look up from the paperwork he was filling out. "why is blake in first aid being treated for burns?" he spoke quite angrily.

"dad." faye said sternly to the man to gain his attention.

"you're lucky-" silva stopped when he saw diane standing next to his daughter. alive.

"saul." her mother spoke softly, her eyes just focused on the love of her life.

"i'll let you catch up, see you later, i love you both." faye smiled as she left his office.


faye grabbed her phone from her pocket, calling riven quickly.

the phone rang once before he picked up. "hey, princess, you okay?" he asked.

"you aren't gonna believe me when i say this but... my mum's back. she's alive i brought her back to life."

riven was silent for a moment. "are you okay? you aren't like hallucinating or anything are you?"

"riven. i'm serious." faye said, a slight tone of hurt in her voice. "she's alive, she's with my dad right now."


"yes. my mother who died when she gave birth to me is alive, i brought her back when i died it just took a while, she is alive she is real. i am not insane." she spoke more with anger, angry he didn't believe her in the first place.

"i never said you were insane, princess. i'm so happy for you i can't wait to meet her, where are you anyway?" riven asked the girl.

faye looked around, not knowing where she was. "i don't-"

"you're breaking up, princess."

"can you hear me?" faye asked in a panic.

"faye?" riven's voice was worrisome

"riv!" she shouted, the call ending.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍 | riven | fate: the winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now