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Xorim Pov.

No. I saw her die. The surge of light shot straight threw her that day. I saw her lifeless body fall to the ground, there is no way that this is Enus. A water orc must have taken on her form, but how? Did they discover her body in the forest after that day? I shouldn't have left her body there, but there was no way I was bringing  her back. She's  a traitor. No traitor will roam my fortress even in the after life.

"You spared her life." Rain harshly growled. Looking down into her glossy eyes tears fell. Her lip quivered as she bit her bottom lip.
She's got it all wrong.
"Let me explain." I calmly said. I have to approach her the right way. I don't want her to run off before she hears what I have to say.
Ripping her hand away from mine she angrily stormed off.
"Wait rai-"
"Don't. I'll be fine on my own."
In a instant she vanished.
Xavier gave me a smirk before vanishing too.

Taking a deep breath I rubbed my temples. I have to deal with one thing at a time.  We need to lock down our home. No one in. No one out. If they are here already I will make it so that escaping isn't a options. We've prepared for this.

"Toorgin, arm our orcs around the perimeter of the fortress and homes near it. Gather our children and put them in the empty rooms in the fortress. Tell the women to get there gear. They will take turns with shifts guarding the inside. Have half of our strongest outside the fortress taking shifts making sure no one get inside unless I say so. Take the other half and spread them out around my kingdom.  They might look like us but they don't know how our daily life work. They are bound to stick out."

That bastard could be here right now and I wouldn't even know it. Hell they could be next to rain for all I know!

I can still see her face engraved in my head. The fear that was radiating from her. The tears that ran down her face. The disappointment in her face. I didn't get to explain properly but I will.
I have to protect everyone here, especially her. I can't run after her right now. I need to focus for everyone. For her. I will not let anything happen. I'm stronger now, I'm more powerful then I have ever been.

I watched as they carried Bogs body away. My chest feels tight, the thought of that ever being Rain.
We need to catch them, and catch them quick. I will show them no mercy, I defeated them long ago even though we had a treaty. They continued to push, and they killed so many of my people including my parents. I won't let this happen again.

"We've found some odd object by one of the tress." One of my diligent soldiers said to me before turning around and leading the way.
The closer we got something shiny caught my eye.
"What is that?" I mumbled under my breath.
Picking up the shiny object he handed over to me.

It's soiled. It has some type of steal handle with a long steal pipe at the end.
I've never seen anything like this before. Is this from the human world? Maybe rain will know what this is.
" One of the corpses has a odd hole in his head. We dug out some type of metal. It's small and pointy, we believe that this is what killed him. This isn't like any metal we've seen before."

"Bring it!" 

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