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In a flash Xorim grabbed the orc by his throat, squeezing as hard as he could.
He's seems different, I can feel it. He's faster. Not only that his eyes are glowing a unfamiliar color.
I continued to watch as the orc struggled to escape Xorim's grasp.

Xorim placed his hand onto the orcs head making a bright light illuminated the forest. Winching at the bright light, I closed my eyes until the light died down. Looking back up, the cave orc body is slumped on the ground but his face, His face is gone!

I can feel my heart racing, I've never seen anything like this before. How could Xorim be capable of something like this.
A huge hole sat in the middle of where his face once was. I can feel the bile rising in the back of my throat. Quickly I covered my mouth turning my attention to Xorim who was now staring at me with those pricing yellow eyes.
He looks terrifying. Like a creature in the night. I don't what happen to him, but I'm scared. What if he's in rage again and doesn't know what he's doing.
I took a step back almost falling over, but I was caught by Xorim. "Why are you so scared of me rain?" He said pulling me in closer to him.
Looking into his bright yellow eyes, I can see the worry. He may look different, but he's still the same Xorim I know. Despite how angry he just was he's okay, He's not in raged.

"You look different." I said reaching up to his face Cautiously caressing his cheek. He leaned into my hand closing his eyes, calming all of my nerves.
"Xorim what happened to you?" I worriedly asked.
Ignoring me he begin to look over my body, clinching his jaw at every scrap and bruise he see's.
"I'm okay I promise!" I said giving him a faint smile.
His face is furious, but his eyes are telling me a different story. I know he's beating his self up on the inside thinking this is all his fault, but it isn't, it's mine. If I never have came here none of this would be happening to him.

"Your losing to much blood I have to get you back now!" He worriedly said.
I looked down noticing how much of my blood is on the ground. I didn't even notice it from all of my adrenaline coursing through me.
A branch crack in the bushes knocking me back into reality. Enus! Enus and the others are still after me! We need to run!
"Xorim we have to" He cut me off by putting his finger to his lips. Signaling me to hush.
Lifting me up he set against a tree, and gave me a kiss on my forehead before walking away. A light yellow field almost like a bubble formed around me.
"What is this!" I shouted in terror. I tried to push my hand threw it, but my hand wouldn't go through it! It's like a force field.
"Rain."Xorim whispered.
I frantically looked around to see who was next to me, but no one was there. that couldn't possible be him talking since he is further away form me now. It felt like the person was right next to me talking right into my ear.
"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you rain, I wasn't strong enough then, but I am now, just stay right there and wait for me. I will take care of it all." His voiced whispered again.

Looking up I watched as he continued to walk away. This is Xorims voice in my head, this must be another power he has. His comforting words calmed me down. This field around me must also be from him. Is this so I won't cause any more trouble? I can't hear anything in here. Not any crickets, not anything. It's like this little force field cancels out any noise from the outside.
I leaned back against the tree watching Xorim as he stands out in the opening for everyone to see him.
Continuously he risk his life for mine, protecting me at all cost. I promise Xorim, I promise I will repay you for everything you have done for me. Warm tears ran down my face as I watch him.
I'm starting to feel dizzy, but I can't tell him that right now. It will only distract him more.
I'm in excruciating pain, my wounds only bleed more if I move. I just have to endure it a little longer. Just a little longer.

A bright light came shooting out of xorim hands startlingly me. I watch as a cave orc fell in front of Xorim's feet. He kicked his body causing him to go flying. My mouth dropped, how is he this strong all the sudden. His veins in his muscles are glowing the same color as his eyes. He's more powerful..
Body after body they came tumbling down around him. He's truly a warrior, they don't stand a chance against him.

Something beside me caught my eye. I jumped back seeing Inus beside me investigating the field that surrounded me. Damn this women doesn't give up for shit.
Taking her knife she tried to stab it. I looked away waiting for her to break through, but nothing happened. Slowing looking back up at her she looked furious. She kept trying, but time after time it was useless she can't get in. This field is here to keep me safe. Not to keep me from getting out.

Her eyes bulge out of her head as she begin to speak to me. I can't hear a single word she is saying, but I already know what she is saying. She wants me dead.
Strangely I don't feel scared now that Xorim is here.
I looked back to where Xorim is but he wasn't there anymore!
My heart stop for a second as I struggle to sit up. Where'd he go! Is he okay? I can feel my vision going in and out as I frantically looked around for him.
Enus looked up in fear. Her eyes widen as she slowly took slow steps backwards. I looked up into the dark trees to see a pair of bright yellow eyes.
There he is.
My vision slowly faded to black as I tried to speak. "Xori-".

Xorim POV ;)

Looking down at Enus I can feel my rage bursting inside of me. How dare she look at me with fear all in her eyes. This is your doing Enus. Take what's coming to you.
Jumping down from the tree I landed in front of rain. Her eyes are close, her heart is faint. She's slipping away from me all because of her!
"Your not gonna kill me Xroim! Your parents wanted you with me! You can't go against their wishes!" She angrily yelled. " Even if she lives I will come after her again and again! No matter how long it takes you will be mine!" She screamed.
throwing her knife at me she tried to to make a run for it, but I'm not letting her get away with this.

Using my my strength I grabbed her by her shoulder sending her flying back. She went flying threw a tree tumbling to the ground.
"Enus! Do you think I care for what my parents want? Your such a disgrace!'' I angrily shouted walking towards her. She sat up coughing up blood. "Your nothing to me, you think just because we grew up together I wont kill you!?" Grabbing her by the throat I lifted her into the air. "I spared you once, I won't do it again. I will blow you to bites so no one will find you, I won't even give your parents a piece of mind, they will suffer just as you made Rain suffer." I lifted my hand up to her face focusing all my power into one massive blow.
Her face is petrified with fear. "No Enus Look at me proudly! This is what you've been begging for!" I shouted.
"All I ever wanted was for you to love me how I loved you." She cried.

I felt a ache in my heart, as our childhood me memories came flooding back to me all at once. The days where I would clean her cuts and bruises as children. They days where we'd go train together. What, what happened to you Enus. Could her loving me really make her do these things. Going as far as to kill everyone in our home, just to have me? That isn't love. Thats obsession. She went to far this time, I won't hesitate not even for a second. For the sake of my kingdom and Rain. She has to die.
A sudden blue beam of light shot straight threw her chest. She looked up down at a huge gapping hole in the middle of her chest and back up to me. "How could-." She struggled to say.

I dropped her as her body to the ground, watching as she took her last breath.
That beam of blue Light. It wasn't mine. Someone else is here.

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