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"No thats not it! I just wanted to go look at the garden since I never been. Come with us?" I nervously offered.
Knowing Xorim he won't want any extra company.
Xorim glanced at Toorgin scrunching his face up like a tiger.

"Why don't you guys go ahead and go, I have a couple things to do." Toorgin Awkwardly said. Almost as if he was force to say it.
"Great!" Xorim praised. Grabbing my hand he pulled me along.
"You didn't use your powers to tell him not to come did you?" I worriedly asked.
As we walk off I looked back to see Toorgin standing outside the door, watching us walk off.
I guess that answers my question.

Now that Xorim has control of his powers completely, he uses them all the time. Especially when it come too talking to Toorgin and Xavier telepathically. I can"t here what he's saying to them, but from how they tense up I know it can't be anything good. Oddly for some reason its hard for me and Xorim to speak telepathically, I'm not sure why yet

"You didn't have to do that you know? We are just going to the garden. Plus that Toorgin area, I just want to visit over there since I've never been." I sighed.
"He's doing a small favor for me, he will be back." he smiled. I'm suspicious but its not something I need to lose sleep over.

Slowly we walked hand and hand towards the garden.
Orcs walked by whispering to each other still giving me odd looks.
You would think by now that they would be use to seeing us, but I guess it's still surprising for them each time they see their king with some small human, it Must look funny. Outrageous even.

"It's crazy I been here for so long and manage never to see the garden not once.." I awkwardly laughed trying to avoid everyone wondering eyes. His grip around my hands tighten. looking up he gave me a warm smile, that relaxed me instantly.
"The garden is very resourceful, I don't allow others to go there besides Torgin. Some of the plants are used for medicines."

Walking down a unfamiliar green path we found ourself infront of a huge land. Beautiful flowers I've never seen before blossomed all over.
"This place its so beautiful." I gleamed.
Just right when I was about to wander around he grabbed my arm Pulling me in for a kiss. A familiar tickling feeling bubbled up in my stomach as I melted into his arms. This feels so good, but I know if  we don't stop it now this will lead to something else soon.  The last thing I need is Toorgin walking in on us.
Pulling away  I quickly ran off to the other side. "Stay over there, we need to keep our distance!" I laughed out.
"But why? it feels better to be closer." He chased me around the garden as we both laughed out. "Stop right there shrek!" I yelled out.
I could hear his feet come to a stop.
He stood up giving me a annoyed look. "I told you to stop calling me that already" he aggravatedly said. I bursted out into laughter.
I can't help but to keep teasing him, each time he gets so mad like I'm calling him another mans name. I told him when go back home I'm going to bring a picture back of shrek.

"So any progress today?" He smiled.

I'm not sure if I should tell him I teleported for the first time today or maybe I could show him.
Closing my eyes I focused my energy on him and where he is standing and focusing on all my senses. His heart, the sand beneath him, the air around him.
A flash of orange blinded me and my heart sunk to my ass. 

Wind! I feel wind, so much I can't even open my eyes! Am I falling?!
I quickly opened my eyes to see clouds above me!
"Oh shit!" I screamed.

I originally planed to teleport into his arms, so I also focused hard on how high off the ground I needed to be, but this is obviously way off!
"Xorim!" I screamed out. The wind is so strong It's becoming hard to breath.
I felt arms wrap around me as I was caught in the air. Looking up, his eyes glowed red.. Grabbing onto him I squeezed him tightly. I'm so embarrassed.
We continued to fall until his feet finally hit the ground with a loud clashing sound. Plants and dirt flew everywhere.

"I'm going to break Xavier jaw." He hissed.
Taking big breath I tried my best to calm down with all the adrenaline coursing threw me. I know with him there I wouldn't have died, but still I'm terrified of heights.
Setting me down on the ground he cup the back of my head.
"Are you okay?" He worriedly asked.
"Yes." I said still panting.

For the next fifteen minutes we laid back on the soft grass starring up at the sky that I was just recently falling from.

"It's okay, you will get it in no time." He reassured me.
He's right, but I still can't help but to feel embarrassed. I have to practice harder and concentrate better.  I will work as hard as I can, I must be able to get back to him.
Platting a kiss on my forehead he smiled. " I'm sorry if I'm suffocating you. Your free to do what ever you like. It's just I can't help but to want to see you. If I could all my hours of my day would consist of you in them, including my dreams." He bluntly said.

Our eyes locked. I can hear his heart racing as fast as mine. Why does he always manage to say things that leave me so speechless.
Pulling myself closer to him I softly kissed him, licking his lips. Just before I was about to pull away he deepened the kiss pulling me on top of him. Placing his hands on my ass he firmly gripped it.
The sounds of someone clearing their throat, made me instantly jump off him.
Looking back I see Toorgin looking down at the ground.
I was so in the moment I didnt even hear him.

"What is it now!" Xorim hissed.
"7 of our orcs outside our perimeter were found dead and there is one that is in critical condition.
In a instant Xorim shot up.
Helping me to my feet,  he held my hand as we quickly walked over to Toorgin.

"Who did this." He spat.
Toorgin took a deep breath. "They couldn't find a trance of anyone."
Xorims face hardened. His hands gripping my had even tighter.
"Who is the Orc that is in Critical condition?"  He quickly asked.
"Take me-..."

"No." I whispered. Their words started to become muffled as I slowly zoned them out. I can feel my heart racing bout to pop of my chest.
Not Bogs. He was the first the orc that was nice to me. I may not have known him well but it doesn't hurt any less. Why do they keep fucking with us!
I felt my hand being squeezed once more. Looking up I met with Xorim soft eyes. "It's okay. Let's get you bac-"
"No!" I harshly spat.
"I'm Coming too."  Freeing my hand from  grasp I began to walk away

"Rain." Xorim said with a little more bass in his voice then usual.
"There's no use on fighting me on this Xorim, I'm faster then anyone else here, including you." I said looking back at him.
"So if you try to make me stay in that damn room I will run." I threatened.  He narrowed his eyes at me, not even blanking.
This is my only leverage I have over him so I hope this works.
Sighing loudly  "Fine, but don't you wonder out of my sight."
"I won't besides I'm safer at your side."

I don't want to be left behind, I may have control of my powers but I can still fight. Xavier spares with me everyday, and I've gotten better. Stronger.
I still can't control how much power I put into my punches, but I'm sure I can manage. I will not sit around and let his people get hurt.
Grabbing my hand back, we let Toorgin lead the way.

Merry Christmas!

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