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Jake was constantly checking his phone waiting for the time to hit 10pm, the older had messaged him saying everyone was gonna probably head to bed around that time so they could have there little ramen date.

It's not a date. Jake was wishful thinking but he could dream a little. He had scurried his way back to his room and watched YouTube until it was time.

He flinched a little in surprise knocked out of his daze when jay entered the room roughly shutting the door behind him and Jake raised an eyebrow at his flushed state.

"What happened with you?" Jay jumped in surprise obviously not expecting the younger Aussie to be awake.

"N-nothing" Jake could only snort watching as jay rushed into his bed without sparing at glance at the aussie.

He jumped out his skin when his phone vibrated In his hand and smiled a little when he noticed heeseungs contact.

Heeseung hyung:
Hey I'm in the kitchen
21:57 pm

Be there in 2
21:57 pm

Jake felt his hands shake a little as he made his way to the shared living room and kitchen area. The silk set of pj's he had on were not helping to sooth his goosebumps at all. Walking forward he came a halt when he saw the broad shoulders of heeseung come into view. He was wearing a baggy black hoodie with the hood up and grey joggers and it's moments like these that Jake feels his heart start to beat.

I'm his mind his head kept repeating how Domestic this was. Heeseung cooking food for him and Jake late at night as the spoke and basked in each others company. He was quickly snapped out his thoughts when heeseung turned around and flinched in surprise.

"Oh jaeyun-ah" Jake loved when he said his name.

"Sorry for scaring you" heeseung gave Jake a small smile before sitting down at the table.

With every step Jake felt like was slowly falling apart. Everything seemed to go in slow motion at he carefully took a seat in front of the older.

Looking closely he could see the elder had made his favourite ramen with spam and couldn't help the satisfaction that raised across his face.

"Thank you hyung" Jake couldn't even meet the oldest eyes properly. He was flushed from head to toe and Jake hopes that because the lights were off it wouldn't be noticeable.

"I know things haven't been okay between us the last couple of days" Jake stiffened from where he was twirling his ramen noddles getting ready for a bite. Noticing the youngers discomfort heeseung quickly babbled.

"B-but I want you to know I'm not mad" Jake finally sighed in relief the feeling of the older being mad at him weighed on him a lot. When he finally made eye contact with the older he looked guilty and a little sad and Jake felt his eyes water a bit.

"I know we've never argued and your m-my best friend and-"

It's like whatver heeseung was saying cut off after that. Best friend. I'm his best friend. Jake felt his blood run cold. Of course that's all the elder thought of him. He never got flushed from eye contact. He never felt awkward when the younger was shirtless. He never felt butterflies when the younger leaned on him. He never felt domestic when they cook or eat together late at night. He didn't have the feeling like Jake did.

"Jake? Jake? Ja-" Jake widened his eyes standing up abruptly. Heeseung obviously shocked stood up with a flinch.

"S-sorry I'm suddenly really tired hyung" before Jake could walk away he heard heeseung huff.

"Your always ignoring me now" Jake looked at the floor completely ignoring the hurt that flashed across his face.

"I've- I've just got alot going on at the moment and I need some time to think" heeseung face softened before it hardened again.

"But you go to Jungwon" Jakes eyes widened as he spluttered and stared at heeseung in disbelief.

"What are you talking up" Jake had to remember to whisper and it's like his breath with kissing the back off the teeth as he seethed.

"What? You've been all over him the last few days" heeseung scoffed. He walked back and forth and Jake could only continue to stare at him in absolute stun.

"I-I can talk to him and sa-" Jake was rudely cut of when heeseung turned to him with a clenched jaw.

"Are you saying you can't talk to me? Is that what this is" it was Jakes turned to scoff glaring at the older.

"Your putting words in my mouth! It's not like that" by now there voiced have turned up a notch but Jake knows if he stays any longer he'll end up shouting and the last thing he needs is another argument.

"I'm your best friend not him!" There was that gut wrenching feeling again and Jake felt like he was going to be sick.

"Exactly! Your my best friend not my fucking therapist you don't get to pry into my business and fit yourself where you think your needed! A real friend would wait until I'm ready to tell them not throw a hissy fit because they're jealous!!" Jake panted closing his eyes after his rant. He turned around on his heels when the silence continued to consume them.

"What if I am jealous?" Stopping in his track Jake felt his heart clench.

Don't give me false hope I'm already hurting

"Why would you be jealous" hearing footsteps get closer to him Jake flinched when he was turned around by a soft hand and he couldn't help the way his eyes were instantly drawn to older round big eyes that were filled with tears. He felt his heart clench not realising that his own eyes were watering.

"I can't keep fighting with you" heeseungs voice was weak and Jake could only shake his head in disbelief.

"Then why are you?" Heeseung flinched taking a step back and Jake tried to mask the hurt that flashed over his face but must've not done a great job cause the next minute he was in a bone crushing hug by the older.

"I'm sorry jaeyun-ah" Jake doesn't even know what he was apologising for but he still felt his heart pinch a little almost like he had severe heartburn. He didn't bother hugging the other back he just let his tears fall freely as the older continued to hold him in his embrace. He should've been loving this. So why does he feel so shit.

I should be apologising

Unspoken Desires; heejakeWhere stories live. Discover now