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Everyone had the same idea.

We went to one of the training rooms seeing everyone else training, whether it was hand to hand, some went to the other rooms shooting, or sparring.

Priya was just finishing a spar with Archer that ended in a tie, she didn't like that so she stomped off the mat looking around the room, her eyes falling on Evangeline just getting done talking to Hawthorne.

" Marcos! Wanna spar?" She yells from across the room.

I see Octavia pull her eyes from River looking over at her mentor, I even cock a brow, it's been years since I've seen Evangeline fight. She lazily looks over to Priya approching her quickly. " You want to spar? Me?" She asks.

Priya eyes her, " That's what I said."

Evie's face stiffens, she still has her temper, Priya isn't helping her case here. " Yea, I'll spar." She says quickly. " Weapons or just our fists?"

Priya smiles, happy she took the challenge. " Whatver you think will make you fail a little less."

I see the glint in Evageline's expression, " Ok then." She walks to the mat looking back over at Priya. Pri stares, " So.. just fists?"

Evie shrugs, " Use whatever you want...whatver will make you fail a little less." She coiunters smirking a bit. I just know Priya is screwed. I remember training her like it was yesterday, dealing with her fire, she was always good.

Her and Fero were amazing.

I go closer looking at the fight, it seems everyone in the room had the same idea. " Who's your bet on?" Archer asks chuckling.

" Evie." Cato answers, " No question about it."

Archer cocks his brow, " Really? Priya is quick as hell."

" So is she, and brutal. Pri won't walk away untouched." Cato answers.

Priya finally makes it to the mat, Evie was already adjusting her stance looking at her as emotionless as we imprinted on her the first day of the training. " Whenever your ready 2." She says.

Priya goes first, lunging at her, Evie kicks her in the gut with such speed and force she goes flying, somersaulting back to her feet with a small grunt. She lets out a small laugh goign at her again. She does the same thing, Evie goes to kick again but Priya doges going more to the side of her grabbing and flipping her over on the floor with a thud.

Evie grabs her arm in the process pulling her down, losing her balance she falls, Evie goes to grab her but Pri now kicks her in the gut making space between the two of them. They now take a couple steps away from eachother both looking a little winded from the blows.

Pri swings again, Evie dodges before coming back up sending a kick to her face, My eyes widen at the impace as Priya falls back, Evie was quick to get her head in an headlock closing her air.

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