Chapter 4

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It's been hours since the door last opened. During this time, we haven't received any food or water. I don't know what the time is seeing as I can't check my watch, due to my hands which are tied above my head and the darkness, but I know it's been a long time. I fell asleep for a couple of hours when I was just too exhausted to stay awake any longer. My arms fell asleep several times too and I had to shake them slightly to get the blood flowing again causing the chains to jingle which caused whimpers to sound around me. Many of the cries have quietened apart from a few occasions; when people would awake with a jolt or scream, or when someone would remember something like their families or fear of what could happen to all of us. I'm no exception. I have jolted awake a few times due to a nightmare concerning either being sold as a slave and raped or being killed, some even included my family who were killed while I was forced to clean up their blood, which was still warm and impossible to get off the wooden floor. That was the last and most disturbing one. How can my mind even come up with something so disturbing? I haven't gone back to sleep since.

My stomach is growling loudly as I wait, hoping for food and water to be brought to us. A shower would be great too right about now. I'm covered in dirt and sweat. The shed we're staying in isn't exactly cool, it's like a furnace in here. I can still lightly smell the hospital on my uniform, a surprisingly pleasant smell during all of this. It's almost calming. So, for the next however many hours we must wait in this sauna, I remain awake. I'd rather know when they come than be woken up and be surprised by it.

I sit against the wall listening to the people around me. Next to me is a girl, begging for God to help her, to tell her what she did wrong. Asking for a sign. When nothing happens, she once again bursts into tears after several long moments of silence. Another girl somewhere farther away from me is hiccupping loudly due to all her crying, I can hear a voice close to her trying to soothe her. Her brother? Boyfriend? Friend? Who knows. But no matter how much the male voice tries to soothe her nothing happens, and her cries continue. Somewhere in front of me, opposite the wall to which I'm attached, I hear several people sleeping. Someone is breathing heavily in their sleep, maybe due to a blocked nose, while another is snoring loudly. How can they sleep so calmly? They haven't woken up in the last couple of hours and seem to be at ease. I just hope that when the people come for us, we at least get some form of food and water before we all die of starvation. Or they decide to kill us. But let's hope this situation has nothing to do with killing us. I'd much rather become a slave than be killed. I'm too young to die, and besides if I'm a slave then there is a chance I can escape and get back to my family. If I'm dead, then that's it. My family will never see me again. Or at least not alive. They may find my body though. I shake my head quickly trying to shake these terrifying thoughts from my brain. I can't and I won't think like this. I will make it out of here alive and back to my family. I will escape. But for now, there is nothing for me to do other than sit on the filthy floor waiting and listening.

Before I can let my mind wander any further the door is swung open, the dim lights turning on. The sound of the doors opening caused many people to wake up with startled yelps. The few who didn't wake up from the door slamming quickly awoke to everyone's sudden screams and cries. With wide eyes, I watch as the dark-skinned man, Mr. Collins, enters the room followed by three other men. Immediately silence fills the room. Just like me, they must be afraid of what will happen.

The men remain standing where they are for a moment looking over us in the dim lighting. They say something too quiet for me to hear and slowly they walk around us, looking over us in scrutiny. Slowly they reach the end of the wall opposite mine when the boss dude, Mr. Collins, points at a middle-aged lady. I watch wide-eyed as one of the men walks over to her and releases her chains, harshly pulling her up and out of the building. I can hear her cries and screams as she struggles to get loose while being pulled away. Trailing my eyes back over to the man I notice now pointing at a man. Once again one of the men releases him and the man is pulled outside, his screams seeming to echo around as he leaves. I quickly realised it was the man from my bus who was shot in the leg. I cannot imagine having to walk with a bullet still inside me.

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