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Rogues were a species that were hated by many, some born as rogue, some leaving their pack for a multitude of reasons, and some kicked out of their packs because of bad behavior, they have to steal, kill, and destroy whatever stands in their way so they can survive.

So when Asher, a rogue wolf who is determined to survive and is willing to do whatever It takes to stay alive, meets an Alpha who strongly dislikes rogues to the point of wanting to massacre them all, what happens?


This story is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places, and Events that are used in this story are the products of my imagination. Any resemblance to anything used outside of this book is purely coincidental.

All Rights Reserved


Rogue is not suitable for anyone under 18. This story contains a great deal of swearing, homophobia, Sexual Assault/ Abuse and uncensored sex.

Chapters marked with ✨contain unholy scenes.

Chapters marked with ❌ contain scenes that have Sexual Assault/ Abuse. As there will be details of the Assault/ Abuse in chapters, I will put Sexual Assault/ Abuse at the beginning of the chapters that contain it because I know some readers don't read the Introduction. I know this might be a tad bit spoiling but I don't want to trigger anyone.

If you are not comfortable with this, Rogue might not be the story for you.

———When Started/ Completed———

Started: December 20th, 2023

———Author's Note———

This is the second book I've written and published on Wattpad. I'm glad my stories are getting recognition because I do try to put my all into the stories that I write. I would like to thank my readers for giving Rogue a try so Thank You, I appreciate you :)



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