Chapter 22

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"This has to stop Julia." He gently whispered it in her ear.

"Stop what?"

"You are now an alcoholic."

"How so? Have I jeopardized anything?"

"You haven't, but I saw how you looked this afternoon."

"Is there a problem with my looks?"

"Yes, you look worn out, but you know how to mask it so well. You look stunning, but if I hadn't seen you earlier, you might have fooled me.

"Well ignore that, and problem solved."

"I know you don't want to see me, but the following week we have to spend some time together as it's a work function."

Julia groaned, "Can I bring Blake with me?"

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"It's a work trip and we have to be together most of the time so that we don't get caught."

"Fine, I won't bring Blake but on one condition."

"What is that?"

"You can't bring Ava."

She could feel his frown,

"See, hard isn't it? So I suppose we can discreetly................."

"Fine, I won't."

Julia was taken aback, "What?"

"I won't bring Ava, you said that right?"

She was at a loss for words,


"I did not think that you would agree."

"Well, I did and besides, you and I are slacking a lot."

Julia nodded, "You're right."

She sighed resigned to it all, in all honesty, a break would be very nice.

Julia looked out the jet, and the whole landscape looked amazing with all the clear blue waters.

The Bahamas was truly beautiful, their luggage was offloaded and they checked into the hotel they would be in.

The view of the beach was amazing, it was within walking distance. Alexander had a meeting to go to, and he had left. She put on her bikini and dashed to the beach.

When Julia got there, she removed her light dress and went to play volleyball as they were calling out to the rest.

After the long day, she and Alexander decided to eat in their room and go to bed early as they were jet lagged, and all the exhaustion caught up with them.

Today she had worn a bikini and a light throw over her, Alexander came out with shorts and an unbuttoned shirt.

He looked amazing, and she had to look away, as it would be embarrassing for him to see that she was lusting after him.

They got to the beach and Alexander sat by the chairs and took out his laptop so that he could work.

She took off her throw,

"Are you going in that?"

She turned to him, and his eyes were smoldering on her, "Of course, I'm wearing a bikini at the beach."

"I know that but........................."

She looked at him quizzically, wanting to know what he would say.

"Never mind, go."

I hope you all have had a lovely year, and I hope that you all have a beautiful year ahead of you. I know some of you have set some New Year resolutions, don't give up and take one day at a time. You will eventually get where you want to be and it's okay if you don't. As long as you die trying then it's alright :) I will see your all in the next chapter :) Love you all my cherry blossoms :)

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